Chapter 30

Li Qinyue was very happy looking at Zhuo Zhi's face bravely moving forward.

Zhuo Zhi was willing to protect her at all times, and he really put her in his heart.

But Li Qinyue would not let her drink.

Usually eating or going to play, I am willing to drink some wine, and being forced to drink at this kind of dinner is a completely different thing.

If she Li Qinyue was really unwilling, no one would drink the wine that she had toasted, and Zhuo Zhi had no interest entanglement with anyone on the table now, and Li Qinyue would not let her suffer this grievance.

The scene was lively, Li Qinyue put Zhuo Zhi's favorite dishes into her bowl: "Okay, I see, you eat more vegetables."

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi was very obedient, and put it into his mouth, "Pushing his stomach before drinking is good for his stomach."

Li Qinyue just laughed.

In the following time, Wang Zilai persuaded Li Qinyue to drink twice again. Zhuo Zhi was eager to get around, but Li Qinyue stubbornly went around without a sip.

She was resolute from the moment she entered the door today. Others may not be familiar with her or dare not embarrass her, so no one will focus on her anymore.

Zhuo Zhi rubbed it for a long time and it was useless. He squatted down beside Li Qinyue without talking to the people on the table, just like a small mushroom.

Mi Xingyi's dinner is for business to discuss. Since Wang Zilai is invited, it must be the media.

There are several media companies under Wang Zilai, the largest of which is one of the four popular Xiaohuadan, and the next generation of actresses of the same type have developed well.

It's a competitive relationship with Li Qinyue's Shengle, but Shengle's current level is not at the same level as others.

That's why Wang Zilai dared to persuade Li Qin Yuejiu over and over four times, saying some greasy ridicule.

Li Qinyue can push the wine, but he can't lose his temper and leave. On the one hand, he doesn't want to easily offend the big brothers in the same industry and make the management of the company difficult. Let Mi Xingyi's business talk impossible.

After a few rounds of drinking, more than half of the people on the table were already drunk.

Wang Zilai gave another seafood stubble and put a raw oyster into a bowl for Lanxi, motioning her to eat it.

Lan Xi held the wine and said something, Zhuo Zhi's ears were so good, and he kept paying attention to it, and heard what she said that I was allergic to seafood.

But after these words, Wang Zilai did not let Lanxi go. His voice was quite loud: "Hey, allergies eat more. Those on the wine table who say they are allergic to alcohol can drink more than one."

Lan Xi pursed his lips and didn't reply or move.

She had already drunk a lot. As Guang Zhuozhi saw, everyone at the table had been toasting for two rounds, and Wang Zilai had been pouring her with liquor with a high degree of alcohol.

Zhuo Zhi stared at that side, his brows gradually frowned.

Li Qinyue noticed Zhuo Zhi's gearing once again, pulled her sleeves down, and asked her, "What's the matter?"

Zhuo Zhi said, without suppressing his voice: "Allergies can kill people."

Lan Xi looked over, but her gaze only paused on Zhuo Zhi, and then moved to Li Qinyue.

Li Qinyue collided with her eyes, moved away calmly, and said to Zhuo Zhi: "So you have to pay attention to what you are allergic to."

The meaning of these words is quite clear. Lanxi is an adult, and he can bear the responsibility for whether he can eat or not.

For the matter of whether she drinks or not, no one puts a knife on her neck. If she wants to benefit from Wang Zilai, she has to pay the corresponding price.

Others want to help her block, maybe it is a good thing to destroy others.

Li Qinyue didn't look at Lanxi again, and put two more chopsticks into Zhuozhi's bowl, urging her to eat.

Zhuo Zhi was eating in his mouth, his eyes still on Lan Xi, Wang Zilai and Lan Xi pushed back and forth twice, Lan Xi suddenly picked up the oyster, raised his head and ate it into his mouth.

Zhuo Zhi was biting a piece of meat and was stunned.

The next second after Lan Xi finished eating, he suddenly stood up and ran out covering his mouth.

Wang Zilai tried to keep up, and Zhuo Zhi threw his chopsticks and the stool made a sound, and people had already rushed to the door of the box.

Li Qinyue didn't move, watching Zhuozhi's back disappear, and said to Wang Zilai: "Mr. Wang, my friend has passed by. It's okay. You can't go. You can't go without you on this table."

This is the first time since Li Qinyue took the initiative to care about Wang Zilai. Wang Zilai smiled and pointed out the door: "I don't know what's going on, I drank a little too much."

After speaking, he sat down and blinked at Li Qinyue: "Mr. Li, don't take a friend, is this your little girlfriend?"

Li Qinyue smiled and said nothing.

Wang Zilai said: "Don't you think that my gossip is all in the same circle, Xiao Li always pampers and protects, can't help it."

"I can't hide anything from President Wang," Li Qinyue changed the subject, "The girl that President Wang brought today is also President Wang's little girlfriend?"

Wang Zilai laughed for a while, looked around, and after looking at everyone, he said: "You can't talk nonsense about this. The little girl is here to meet everyone today."

"Oh." Li Qinyue said, "I thought it was a newly signed artist under President Wang."

"I think it's good," Wang Zilai said. "What does Xiao Li always think?"

"It's almost something." Li Qinyue said.

"Hahahahaha..." Wang Zilai raised his glass and raised it at her, "It's almost something."

Lan Xi ran all the way into the bathroom, hugged the toilet and started to vomit without closing the door, Zhuo Zhi followed behind her and didn't know how to get started.

He vomited so heartbreakingly. When the movement subsided, Zhuo Zhi asked, "Are you okay?"

Lan Xi only raised his hand and waved at her.

A little bit like to drive her away, Zhuo Zhi temporarily left the bathroom, grabbed a waiter casually, and asked for a bottle of mineral water.

When he returned to the bathroom, Lanxi was washing his face, and the cold water he put down ran down his neck, dyeing a piece of clothing wet.

Observing her face, Zhuo Zhi was a little red, but it was still normal, and her breathing was steady. She breathed a sigh of relief, took a piece of paper and handed it to Lan Xi.

After wiping the water off his face, Lan Xi threw the paper into the trash can and looked up at her.

Zhuo Zhi unscrewed the mineral water on his hand and handed it over.

Lan Xi took it and took two sips.

"How is it?" Zhuo Zhi asked again.

"It's okay." Lan Xi answered her, her voice dumb.

"Are you allergic?" Zhuo Zhi asked.

Lanxi looked at her and said, "I am not allergic to seafood."

Zhuo Zhi was stunned.

"But I don't like eating, it's disgusting." Lan Xi said.

"Oh, that's okay." Zhuo Zhi suddenly felt that it was really unnecessary to chase him out, "Then what...I'll go back first."

"Do you like to be there?" Lan Xi asked suddenly.

"Of course not." Zhuo Zhi replied.

"Follow me." Lan Xi walked out, exited the door, and turned in another direction.

Zhuo Zhi said: "If you are okay, I have to go back first. Although I don't like that kind of occasion, Mr. Li is inside."

"No one can force her." Lan Xi was still walking forward, "but they can force me."

Zhuo Zhi didn't agree with this, but felt a little sad.

"Where are you going?" she asked after two steps.

Lan Xi suddenly raised his hand and pushed open a door on the side of the corridor: "Where not to go, find a place to take a break."

This is a dark bridge room, no one, it is quiet as soon as the door is closed.

Lanxi didn't turn on the light, and sat on the sofa nearby.

Zhuo Zhi asked the question he had had since entering that box: "Are you a subordinate of that CEO?"

Lan Xi looked up at her: "No."

"Then you owe him a lot of money?" Zhuo Zhi frowned.

"No debt."

"He grabbed the handle?"


"Then why does he let you drink and you just drink, and let you eat what you hate?" Zhuo Zhi was a little angry.

"I..." Lan Xi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Zhuo Zhi, your name is Zhuo Zhi, right?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi responded.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you," Lan Xi paused, "to be able to stay with Li Qinyue."

Zhuo Zhi thought for a while and felt that Li Qinyue, as her employer, was a little bit naive and naughty at times, but on the whole it was good. So he nodded and said, "I have a good job, but I believe you can find it if you work hard."

"Work?" Lan Xi smiled, "Do you have any other relationships?"

Zhuo Zhi paused, his mind circled: "Do you like Li Qinyue?"

The smile on Lan Xi's face was gone, she probably didn't expect Zhuo Zhi to be so direct, and couldn't answer the conversation for a while.

Zhuo Zhi acquiesced to her. After all, in the bar before, this person and Li Qin Yue had eyebrows, and they weren't as boring to each other.

And later, after Li Qinyue returned to the bar, Zhuo Zhi didn't know what happened.

When she hurried away, there was a fight, and she returned home with Li Qin Yue in a muddle-headed manner.

Zhuo Zhi's brows frowned even more tightly: "You like Li Qinyue, why should you go to please Wang Zilai? Do you think that Mr. Li and Wang Zilai have a good relationship? You can obviously go to Mr. Li directly, and he will let him You drank so much wine..."

Lan Xi interrupted her: "Are you really stupid or fake?"

Zhuo Zhi's eyes stared: "I'm not stupid, you are stupid."

Lan Xi looked at her and did not speak for a while.

With Li Qinyue in his heart, Zhuo Zhi turned around and wanted to leave: "I'm going back."

"I can't see Li Qinyue." Lan Xi said suddenly.

Zhuo Zhi was helpless to this kind of toothpaste-squeezing conversation. She turned her head and said, "Aren't you singing at Shengge? Ask the manager for her contact information."

"She won't answer my call." Lan Xi stood up.

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi didn't expect this. In her usual impression, Li Qinyue is very approachable although he has a bad temper.

"Stalker is not my style." Lan Xi said, "I must have a suitable identity to communicate with her."

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi responded with a guilty conscience. According to the current situation, Lan Xi is the one Li Qinyue needs her shield to block for her.

"Wang Zi said, he will introduce me to President Li." Lan Xi paused, "As an artist."

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi has nothing to say, Zhuo Zhi will feel betrayed Li Qinyue if he stays any longer.

Moreover, Lan Xi did not need her help. She had a clear goal, a curve to save the country, and she was very clever.

Zhuo Zhi opened the door: "I'm going back."

This time I really lifted my foot and left without stopping at all, and I was a little angry after I walked out.

I'm really angry, but the direction is not clear about what I'm really angry about.

Zhuo Zhi went to the door of the box so angrily. He pushed the door and was stunned. There was no one in the box.

The desk was in a mess, the waiter was cleaning, Zhuo Zhi took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It didn't take long for her to leave.

And there were no missed calls or messages Li Qinyue called her on the phone.

Zhuo Zhi was suddenly ignited by anxiety. She was about to call Li Qinyue. The waiter on the side looked over and asked her, "You are looking for?"

"Where are the people who ate here just now." Zhuo Zhi said, "Where did they go?"

She was fierce, the waiter was stunned, did not answer her question, and asked: "You are?"

"I ate with them!" Zhuo Zhi frowned, "I went to the bathroom and returned home and no one was seen!"

She was so angry in the eyes of the waiter, it would be normal.

He bent over and said to her: "Please, Mr. Mi and the others are going to sing."

Zhuo Zhi slandered in his heart, these rich people are really boring, besides eating, they are singing.

Followed by the waiter, he finally arrived at the door of a luxurious karaoke room.

The waiter bent over and backed away, Zhuo Zhi opened the door, and the song of Guikulanglang suddenly exploded.

At the same time, there are disgusting colorful lights flashing with the rhythm of the music, just like the middle-aged and elderly discotheque in the town of Shanxia.

Zhuo Zhi frowned and searched for Li Qinyue inside. The room was too big, not only big, but also a suite.

After looking around, Li Qinyue didn't find it, and found that there were many more people in the house than when they had just eaten.

And men and women, in the big winter, all dress very coolly.

Although the heating here is sufficient, it is still too cool.

Zhuo Zhi stared at a white flowered thigh, with a "ding" in his head, and finally reacted.

She patted her head and hated herself a little bit.

Only a few days have passed since the quiet days, and she almost forgot that apart from eating and singing, these people cannot do without an entertainment project, which is illegal.

Going around, as if back to the time when we first met.

But unlike that time, Zhuo Zhi is more confident. She is not only Li Qinyue's bodyguard, but also her "girlfriend".

It's too reasonable for a girlfriend to catch this kind of thing.

Zhuo Zhi looked at a person who was at the dinner just now, walked over in twos or twos, grabbed his arm and asked, "Where is Mr. Li?"

The man was stunned, and Zhuo Zhi repeated: "Where is Li Qinyue?"

"Ahhhh, Mr. Li." The man called in a series, "She and Mr. Wang are always on the other side."

"Which way?"

"Left." The man pointed.

Zhuo Zhifeng blew out like a wind.

The man touched his arm and sighed: "A little girl, so strong, I didn't see it."

The people around him leaned over and slapped him on the back: "You got into trouble, know?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Do you know who it is? You will show the way?"

"The girl who ate just now, but I don't know the name."

"What is her relationship with Li Qinyue?"

"Fuck!" The man reacted, "Looking at what Wang Zilai meant, it was Li Qinyue Xinhuan."

"President King finally took advantage of this girl not taking Mr. Li to play. It's better for you to show the way and catch the traitor."

"Damn," the man was panicked, "It's none of my business. With these bosses, don't you have to be prepared for this in your heart?"

Zhuo Zhi was ready. Zhuo Zhixin said that he had never seen a scene. On the first day, he saw a group of men take off their underwear and dance.

She reached the door of another room smoothly, took a deep breath, and slammed the door open.

I was stunned for a few seconds, but I was still blinded by the flash of the picture in front of me.

Li Qinyue sat on the luxurious couch, holding red wine in his hand, Erlang's legs, and a cigarette between his fingertips.

A wisp of smoke curled up around her long hair, taking advantage of her profile to be charming and dangerous.

She squinted her eyes slightly, and it was not a group of naked muscular men who stood in front of her eyes, but a row of beautiful girls who were tenderer than the other.

Wearing swimsuits, wearing JK, wearing sportswear, wearing layers of Lolita...

Long hair, short hair, black hair, colorful hair...

Japanese, Korean, local, Thai, European and American with big eyes and high nose...

All kinds, everything in a range, the uniform feature is white skin and thin legs.

For a moment, Zhuo Zhi remembered the variety shows she and Li Qinyue were watching on the sofa, and the contestants who had studied, if the environment were changed, Zhuo Zhi would think that this might be a variety show audition.

However, the reality is cruel. In the noisy music, in the colorful psychedelic lights, Wang Zilai holding a bottle of wine, shaking the beer belly that is as big as a pregnancy in October, trotting from the inside, shouting at Li Qinyue "Mr. Li, have you chosen it yet? Are you picky? I'll just say, if you like this category, there are all kinds of styles here."

No one noticed Zhuo Zhi who pushed half the door open. Zhuo Zhi added fuel to the fire, with a sense of mission. He couldn't bear it all night, and coughed vigorously.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at her, including the beautiful girls of all stripes.

Li Qinyue looked at her and suddenly laughed. Even in such a scene, the smile was so beautiful.

In other words, it's more beautiful.

In the flickering light, Li Qinyue's eyes seemed to be able to speak, looking at Zhuo Zhi for only a few seconds, Zhuo Zhi's head had turned to every sentence and word suitable for the current situation that she had talked with.

Zhuo Zhi was no longer the little stone monkey who had just come out of a newcomer and saw illegal and disorderly rules. She found a good way to find out how many carvings with one arrow.

With a frown and a stomped foot, Zhuo Zhi didn't need to recall how jealous on TV was acting. The anger at this moment was enough to make her vivid.

"What are you doing!" The young girl shouted in a crisp voice, "Did you come to see these people when you left me outside?!"

Li Qinyue raised his eyebrows, Wang Zilai looked embarrassed, but the beautiful girls were very knowledgeable, and their expressions were still sweet and calm.

Zhuo Zhi raised his finger to the beautiful girls, took a fierce look at Wang Zilai, and then glared at Li Qinyue: "Am I like this in your heart?! Am I the same as them?! Am I looking good without them?! Are you no longer interested in me?! Do you want to choose me or them?!"

Heart-cracking and moving five consecutive questions, Zhuo Zhi was full of breath, and his voice was loud enough that the whole room seemed to tremble. The music and time finally solidified at this moment, weird and quiet.