Chapter 31

Wang Zilai waited for half a minute without waiting for Li Qin to get more angry.

On this occasion, Li Qinyue's face was defeated in such a loud noise, and Li Qinyue was not angry, Wang Zilai was very puzzled.

He turned his head and looked at the little girl standing next to the door. She was pretty delicate in appearance. To say that she was not as pretty as Li Qinyue, how could she have such a big charm.

Li Qinyue was laughing, and when he finished laughing, Zhuozhi beckoned: "Come here."

Zhuo Zhi was in the mood, and if he wanted to act, he acted a full set, and said to her, "No!"

"Good, obedient." Li Qinyue kept stretching out his hand.

Zhuo Zhi stared at her: "You let them behave!"

Li Qinyue stood up and walked towards her: "They must be obedient, but I like you who are disobedient."

This sentence is quite powerful, Zhuo Zhi thought for a while, and suddenly didn't know how to go back.

Li Qinyue grabbed her wrist and walked to the sofa: "Did you have enough food just now? Are you thirsty, do you want to drink some drinks?"

Zhuo Zhi raised his hand and waved, and said: "The smell of smoke is so great."

Li Qinyue smoothly put out the smoke on his hand, and Chong Zhuozhi blinked.

Wang Zilai stood aside very embarrassed, and pointed to the beautiful girls: "Mr. Li, then..."

Li Qinyue raised his head and smiled and said, "Baby, is there anything you like?"

Zhuo Zhi was stunned, Li Qinyue squeezed her palm.

"Ah, that..." Zhuo Zhi thought that since she is a wayward "girlfriend", let's go on going wayward, she raised her hand and pointed, "I think that's good."

Wang Zilai had such an expression, and he secretly said in his heart that young people still have fun.

Li Qinyue followed Zhuo Zhi's fingers and looked at it: "The one in the plaid skirt?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi nodded.

"Do you like her face or her dress?" Li Qinyue asked.

"The clothes are pretty, and the people..."

Li Qinyue interrupted her with a weird smile: "Then I will show it to you."

Zhuo Zhi: "..."

Li Qinyue rushed to the king and said: "Mr. Wang, you can only play by yourself."

"It's not my taste." Wang Zilai waved his hand and let the beautiful girls go down, "Then I won't disturb you, I'll go inside and continue playing cards with Mi."

Li Qinyue nodded, Wang Zilai rushed to Zhuo Zhiyang and entered the suite.

There will be a gentle old song on the TV, and the light in the room is less psychedelic.

Li Qinyue lowered his head and pinched Zhuozhi's fingers, and said, "Remember what you just said?"

"Say a lot." Zhuo Zhi answered honestly.

Li Qinyue leaned close to her ear and said, "You said you don't let me smoke."

Zhuo Zhi's body trembled, and the fingers pinched by Li Qinyue instantly seemed to be stuffed into the fire pit.

Li Qinyue didn't rush to move. He still held Zhuo Zhi's slender and soft hands, but with a slightly callused palm in his palm, and sighed, "Your hands are so beautiful."

Zhuo Zhi's mind turned around and said: "I didn't say not to let you smoke, I said that the smell of smoke is too great."

"Doesn't it mean something?" Li Qinyue raised his head and glanced at her.

"It's not the same thing," Zhuo Zhi explained quickly. "It is a requirement not to let you smoke. If the smell of smoke is too big, I just express my feelings."

"But I put out the cigarette because of your feelings." Li Qinyue pointed to the cigarette **** in the ashtray on the table.

"Then you take another one?" Zhuo Zhi looked at her cautiously.

The expression on Li Qinyue's face solidified for a few seconds, and then suddenly laughed: "What a big deal, is it so scary?"

Zhuo Zhi couldn't answer this question, and it wasn't terrible, he just thought it was inappropriate and shouldn't.

Li Qinyue let go of her hand and leaned back on the sofa: "Just now you saw it, how many people are staring at me, but when you come to you, they are rejected by others..."

Zhuo Zhi grasped the point of the problem: "This is indeed."

"Which is true?" Li Qinyue stared at her.

"Looking forward." Zhuo Zhi nodded with deep feeling.

Li Qinyue looked at her for two seconds, then suddenly sat up straight: "What did Lan Xi tell you?"

Zhuo Zhi had such an expression on his face. After thinking about it, he decided to persuade him: "I think, if a person likes you, but does not entangle you, just normal communication and confession, you can be gentle. Reject her."

"Fuck," Li Qinyue couldn't help but vomited a dirty word, "Whoever confessed to me, who I rejected."

"Lanxi," Zhuo Zhi said, "you don't even answer people's calls."

"Did she call me?" Li Qinyue recalled, "Nothing?"

"Are you not picking up the stranger's number?" Zhuo Zhi asked.

"Of course." Li Qinyue said, "If I can answer any number, I have to be busy with 10086 customer service."

"That's it." Zhuo Zhi said, "You didn't save your number at all."

Li Qinyue leaned back on the sofa: "I didn't save it. I didn't need to exchange the number. She told you that she likes me?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi said in a very experienced tone, "If someone is interesting to you, it still feels obvious."

"Really?" Li Qinyue smiled, raised his hand and squeezed Zhuozhi's face, "Girlfriend, are you trying to match me with other women now?"

"No." Zhuo Zhi also leaned back, turned his head to look at Li Qinyue, and whispered, "Lan Xi came to the dinner for you. I think she was deceived by the manager Wang, and Mr. Wang promised her. I want to introduce her to you."

"President Wang didn't lie, he mentioned it to me."

Zhuo Zhi frowned: "There is no need to drink as much alcohol as a girl."

"You just see him not pleasing to your eyes?" Li Qinyue asked with a smile.

"Yes." Zhuo Zhi said, "If he forces you, I must beat him."

Li Qinyue didn't speak, but just laughed.

Zhuo Zhi frowned and looked at her, then smiled after a while.

The two of them looked at each other's face and didn't know what they were having fun. The door of the room was knocked and then opened, and Lan Xi's face appeared.

Zhuo Zhi was stunned slightly, and Lan Xi obviously didn't expect to see them when he came, and was stunned at the door.

A few seconds later, Li Qinyue lifted his chin and said, "Come in."

Lanxi entered the house and stood still two meters away from the two of them.

Li Qinyue asked her: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Lan Xi said.

Li Qinyue looked at her: "Is there my phone number?"

Lan Xi was stunned, and quickly said, "Yes."

"Call one." Li Qinyue took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Lan Xi dialed the phone, and Li Qinyue pressed a button on the phone without raising his head: "If you have anything to do with me in the future, please call me directly."

"Yeah." Lan Xi responded and looked at her.

Li Qinyue raised his hand and dropped it on Zhuo Zhi's shoulder, rubbing it very naturally, his eyes still on the phone: "There is no need to go around like this."

"Yeah." Lan Xi still looked at her.

"Okay, nothing fun." Li Qinyue stood up, touched Zhuo Zhi's head, and Zhuo Zhi also hurriedly stood up.

Li Qinyue's hand continued to fall on Zhuozhi's shoulders, half-hugging and half-leaning, leading her to the door. When passing by Lanxi, he said coldly, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Lan Xi said when the door closed.

In this posture, Li Qinyue kept holding Zhuo Zhi out of the clubhouse.

Zhuo Zhi didn't speak all the way. When the two went out to get in the car, Zhuo Zhi suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Before Li Qinyue had time to ask her what was wrong, Zhuo Zhi jumped out. She was fast and light, and soon disappeared into the darkness beyond the reach of light.

Li Qinyue waved his hand and motioned to the driver to come back later.

Waiting for someone in the cold wind of winter night is quite unpleasant.

But with Zhuo Zhi's performance, something interesting probably happened. Li Qinyue touched a cigarette and went back and forth twice at his fingertips, but in the end there was no point.

A few minutes later, Zhuo Zhi came back and tiptoed into Li Qinyue's ear and said, "I saw Ling Xi."

Li Qinyue paused: "Where is it?"

"Just here." Zhuo Zhi said, "Just now she got in the car and I followed and took a look. It was her."

"Do you even remember her car?" Li Qinyue was a little surprised.

"When I beat her last time, it was in the parking lot." Zhuo Zhi said.

"Great." Li Qinyue asked, "Then have you overheard anything this time?"

"No." Zhuo Zhi said, "She went upstairs directly, do you think she has something to do with the king?"

Li Qinyue raised his eyebrows: "Why do you think they are related?"

"He is two alike."

"Where does it look like?"

"It's like everything." Zhuo Zhi looked at Li Qinyue, his mouth narrowed.

"Hahahahaha..." Li Qinyue laughed and raised his hand to recruit the car again, "They all play like this. But Ling Xi and Wang Zilai are really related."

"What's the relationship?" Zhuo Zhi was quite interested, and followed Li Qinyue to the back seat.

Li Qinyue leaned to her ear, and after two rounds of breathing, he said: "Subordinate relationship."

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi was obviously disappointed.

"What do you think is their relationship?" Li Qinyue looked at her, feeling funny.

"I hope they have an improper relationship." Zhuo Zhi said, "It's not just that improper relationship, anyway, it's a relationship of doing bad things together. It's better to do it now..."

"So you can beat Wang Zilai?" Li Qinyue answered her words.

Zhuo Zhi turned his head to look at her, paused, and nodded violently to admit: "Yes."

Li Qinyue smiled and said, "So jealous, you should become a policeman."

"Think about it."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I didn't make it to the police academy."

"Can't pass the exam?"

"Able to pass!"


"No! I'm so smart."

"Today is quite clever," Li Qinyue said with a smile, "I know I'm jealous."

At the mention of this, Zhuo Zhi blushed and stopped talking.

The car drove quietly for a while, Li Qinyue raised his hand and touched her arm: "Don't forget what you owe me."

"What do you owe?" Zhuo Zhi was a little confused.

Li Qinyue looked down at her fingers: "Here."

Zhuo Zhi just returned to normal and his face blushed again: "Did we not discuss this matter? I didn't mean that."

"That's what you meant." Li Qinyue looked at her.

"I really didn't mean that." Zhuo Zhi tightened his clothes with his fingers.

"Do you know that your eyes are particularly obvious when you lie?" Li Qinyue stared at her, "dangling, dangling."

Zhuo Zhi pursed his lips, was quiet for a while, suddenly bent over and buried his head on his leg.

"I meant that." The voice muttered, "but I didn't want you to kiss me."

"For what?" Li Qinyue looked at the ostrich.

"In order to show the identity and status of my'girlfriend', so that Wang Zilai will know that you can't do what I don't allow."

"Tsk." Li Qinyue sighed, "Then I will cooperate with you."

"You will cooperate." Zhuo Zhi still buried his head.

"You know." Li Qinyue teased her.

"I knew it." Zhuo Zhi's tone was very positive.

There must be some anger in the little girl's mood. The little girl's mood changed very quickly, but Li Qinyue could see every bit of the details.

"Why are you angry?" Li Qinyue raised his hand and stroked the scattered pony tail of the little ostrich.

"I think it's not good for you to be this way." Zhuo Zhi said.


"Just..." Zhuo Zhi paused, and then said out of his mind, "Since you don't want those girls, don't accept other people's recommendations. Since you don't like Lanxi, don't tell her something ambiguous. If you do, don't give her an ambiguous expression, don't give her hope, and let her down. I think you are very bad, and it will cause a lot of trouble for yourself. You have to be clear about your attitude and learn to say no when necessary. ..."

"Dad." Li Qin Yue said.

Zhuo Zhi's nagging words stopped all of a sudden.

"You will continue to educate and teach me how to interact with people, which is the right thing for this naive child."

"I didn't!" Zhuo was so childish that he wanted to stamp his feet and suddenly raised his head, "I didn't educate you! I didn't have to ask you to do anything! I just make some suggestions! The kind of suggestions a real friend would make! If I didn't ..."

Zhuo Zhi stopped here, because she found that Li Qinyue's expression was not like the mockery and disdain in her voice. Li Qinyue was smiling, pressing his lips, but couldn't hold back the kind of smile. Smile softly.

She poked Zhuozhi's arm and said, "What if it's not?"

Zhuo Zhi was helpless and somewhat wronged: "You teased me again."

"I didn't tease you, I listened to you seriously." Li Qinyue said, "What if it's not?"

Zhuo Zhi lowered his head and looked at his toes: "If I didn't really treat you as a friend, I hope you are good, I wouldn't say this."

"Yeah." Li Qinyue touched her head, "I know, but I have to explain."

"Huh?" Zhuo Zhi turned to her.

Li Qinyue's expression was serious this time, and his tone of voice was serious: "I do love to play, but I know exactly what I want, what I don't want, and will not do what I don't like when asked by others. .Wang Zilai found those girls. If you want to come a minute or two late, I also found an excuse to refuse. As for Lanxi's matter, I planned to use her as a shield, but I found out that it wasn't appropriate, so I didn't contact me anymore. It's just an accident that I met today. You said that she came to this dinner for me. I kept the phone because I didn't want her to go to Wang Zilai again. You know, Wang Zilai is not a good thing."

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi nodded.

Li Qinyue touched her head again: "As for Lan Xi likes me, don't worry, I don't like her, I don't like her at all, and I won't do anything ambiguous or have any ambiguous expressions in the future. "

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi nodded again, feeling a little strange after the nod, "This, in fact, just let the flow go."

"There is nothing to go with the flow. If you don't like it, you don't like it." Li Qinyue grabbed Zhuozhi's neck, smiled and said, "Isn't my girlfriend you, how can I like others."

"It's fake." Zhuo Zhi also smiled.

"You acted so seriously, I must cooperate in all aspects." Li Qinyue said, "You didn't say that just now. Are you sure I will cooperate?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi nodded.

"The girlfriend..." Li Qinyue stepped forward, pressing his forehead against Zhuozhi's head, "When will the price you have to pay?"

The space is small, the distance is too close, and the breath smells.

Zhuo Zhi felt that he could see into the depths of Li Qinyue's pupils. There, Li Qinyue had a clear meaning, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Zhuo Zhi took a deep breath, then broke free from Li Qinyue's restraint, tilted his head, closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand: "Here."

Li Qinyue smiled and grabbed her hand, softly squeezing it in his palm: "Why are you in such a hurry, in the car, go home slowly."