
After my bizarre encounter with the fortune teller, I dashed toward where I believed I had parked my car, my heart pounding in my chest. Running as fast as I could, I tried to retrace my steps, desperately trying to make sense of the inexplicable events that had unfolded.

Taking a sharp turn to the left, expecting to find myself in a bustling street, I instead found myself in the midst of a dense jungle. The sight before me was astonishing—a vast expanse of untouched wilderness, with towering trees stretching into the distance. It felt as though a giant had playfully unfurled this magnificent landscape.

My eyes widened, almost popping out of their sockets, as I witnessed a colossal figure lumbering through the forest, causing chaos with each step. "What the hell is going on?" I thought, my mind racing to comprehend the impossible.

Suppressing the urge to scream, I bit my tongue, fearing that the slightest sound could draw the attention of the giant who possessed the power to extinguish my life with a mere flick of her finger. With careful precision, I began to back away, ensuring not to disturb anything that might give away my presence. I had vaguely remembered a movie mentioning the heightened senses of giants, making it all the more crucial to avoid detection.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream," I repeated to myself, desperately trying to convince myself that this was all a product of my imagination. In dreams, you could vanish from one place and appear in a perilous location that bore no resemblance to Earth. Maybe I had fallen asleep at the wheel, and this was some twisted vision of the afterlife.

A pang of guilt washed over me as I thought of my grandmother, recalling the unkind thoughts I had harbored about her. "Oh, grandma, I'm sorry for saying and thinking mean things about you," I whispered, my voice filled with remorse.

A jolt of pain shot through me as my foot connected with an unyielding rock. The impact was a sharp reminder, slicing through the surreal haze that had momentarily engulfed me. The dream-like quality that had momentarily held sway over my senses shattered like fragile glass, replaced by the undeniable presence of the here and now. With a mix of resignation and recognition, I accepted the truth: I was, in fact, alive. This was no dream or illusion to be cast aside upon waking. The air here held a different scent, the ground felt unfamiliar beneath my feet.

In a moment of hopeful speculation, I contemplated retracing my steps, taking approximately seven paces back to return to where I belonged. Maybe I had unwittingly stumbled through an active time portal or some other supernatural phenomenon. But before I could entertain the thought any further, the giant abruptly halted, drawing in a deep breath through her massive nostrils. My heart skipped a beat, realizing that giants really do possess an acute sense of smell.

Without waiting for her to turn and notice me, I sprinted with every ounce of strength in my legs. Thoughts raced through my mind, struggling to make sense of the unfolding nightmare. "Giants don't exist, time portals don't exist, the supernatural doesn't exist!" I screamed in an attempt to convince myself as I fled, feeling as though I were racing against death itself.

In a desperate bid to wake myself up, I slapped my own face with force, expecting the sharp sting to jolt me back to reality. Instead, the pain seared through my cheek, confirming that this was undeniably real.

Refusing to glance back, I could hear the giant's thunderous footsteps echoing behind me, closing the distance with each passing second. The noise she made was enough to indicate her proximity, and it sent shivers down my spine. Briefly stealing a glance over my shoulder, I saw her massive hand poised to deliver a devastating blow.

Instinctively, I ducked, narrowly avoiding the giant's strike. However, the momentum caused me to trip and tumble down a steep, rocky hill. As I rolled uncontrollably, I clung to my head, desperately shielding it from further harm. Finally, my descent came to a halt as my back slammed against the trunk of a tree with a bone-jarring impact.

In agony, I closed my eyes, feeling the intensity of the pain wash over me. It was excruciating, threatening to overwhelm my senses. Groaning, I lay motionless on the ground, realizing that I couldn't move. The impact had caused paralysis, and it wouldn't be a surprise if my spinal cord was severely damaged.

As I lay there, my mind spinning with questions, I resigned myself to my fate. The ever-changing surroundings had shattered any hope of this being a mere dream. I silently waited, listening intently for any sign of the giant's presence. Perhaps, just maybe, she was trapped at the top of the hill, and I would be safe here at the bottom—if I could manage to stay conscious and survive the untreated injuries to my head and spine.

Moaning in pain, I could I have sworn that I caught a fleeting glimpse of a man in a familiar baseball hat standing over me, his brow furrowed with concern, before darkness enveloped me, and I slipped into unconsciousness.


As I jolted awake, a wet and sticky sensation greeted my face, accompanied by the unpleasant smell of saliva. I shivered, feeling the cold air brush against my skin, and my eyes shot open. To my horror, I found myself face to face with a slimy green creature, its red eyes locked onto mine. Paralyzed with fear, I couldn't even bring myself to blink as the creature slowly revealed a sinister smile.

With a scream of terror, I flailed my arms wildly, desperately trying to rid myself of the slimy creature. I tossed it as far away as possible and fled the scene, not daring to look back, fearing it might return or something even worse might be lurking nearby. Dragging my weary body, I gingerly touched my head, tracing the dried blood and mud caked on the left side of my face, my clothes stained with my own blood.

Groaning, I wondered how I was still alive after losing so much blood. How was I even able to move? I pushed aside those thoughts, realizing that within the span of an hour, countless impossibilities had already occurred. I needed to find a way out of this nightmarish place. Taking a deep breath, I began shouting for help, my voice echoing through the eerie silence.

"Hello! If anyone can hear me, I need help, please!" I repeated the plea over and over until my voice grew hoarse. The thought of returning home, even with my grandmother's nagging, seemed like a paradise compared to this dreadful ordeal.

Just as I was about to give up hope, I heard a beastly groan emanating from somewhere close by. The realization dawned on me—drawing attention to myself in this strange place, unaware of what might be lurking, was a grave mistake. In a panic, I dashed behind a massive tree as I heard the ominous snap of a tree branch. It was clear that whatever was approaching was no small creature.

From my hiding spot, I witnessed a colossal black bear come into view, causing me to shrink back in terror. The beast halted, sniffing the air, its keen senses on high alert.

"Oh, God, not again," I whispered, understanding the dire situation I found myself in. Vivid misfortune seemed to haunt me even in my dreams.

Frozen in place, not daring to breathe, I hoped that the sound of my trembling bones wouldn't give me away. The bear drew nearer, sniffing the air as it made its way toward my hiding spot. I sat there, consumed by fear and helplessness.

Seconds ticked by like an eternity, but I heard no sound. The bear should have torn me apart by now. Even the forest seemed strangely calm. Had the beast merely been baiting me?

Finally, I let out the breath I had been holding, realizing that if I were truly alive and not in some twisted dream, tempting fate was not a wise decision.

With trepidation, I slowly turned around, peering cautiously to see if the bear had vanished. Relief washed over me when I saw nothing but the empty expanse of the forest. But how had the mighty creature disappeared so silently?

In the distance, I could have sworn I saw a human-shaped shadow observing me, arms crossed in disapproval. Blinking, I found it gone. This was the second time I thought I saw someone. Perhaps I was succumbing to hallucinations. Maybe the black bear had been a figment of my imagination as well.

Feeling utterly bewildered, I turned back around and plopped down heavily on my rear, closing my eyes and massaging my throbbing head. Could someone please explain what was happening in this twisted reality?

When I lifted my head, I was met with the piercing gaze of the black bear's brown eyes, staring intently at me. In that moment, it felt as if I died a thousand deaths in a matter of seconds.