Screaming loudly at the top of my lungs, I felt the scorching breath of the bear closing in on my face. In that heart-pounding moment, I realized that this was the end for me. If this nightmare wasn't just a figment of my imagination, and I truly had stumbled upon an active portal, I hoped that my meager collection of good deeds would be enough to secure me a ticket to heaven by the time I'm dead and ready to be judged.
A calm and soothing voice pierced through the chaos. Had I already arrived in heaven? Was I screaming at the gates? I desperately hoped my demise hadn't been agonizingly painful.
Hold on a second! That voice sounded like that of a child. Were angelic beings in heaven actually children?
"Stop teasing the poor lady, Bear," the voice scolded gently, reminiscent of a mother chastising her mischievous child.
Huh? What on earth was going on.
Opening my eyes, I turned around and saw a girl around twelve years old. Her long, chocolate-colored hair was intricately braided with a golden ribbon, and she wore a weathered hunting outfit.
She grinned mischievously as she approached. "My name is Prana. You must be a lost traveler. We haven't had visitors in centuries."
I stared at her in bewilderment, jerking back instinctively as the bear playfully sniffed me once again.
The girl laughed. "Don't mind Bear. He's a vegetarian, who is always scaring people for fun. The villagers have grown used to him, though, so they don't get too worked up."
I nodded, realizing that being an omnivore didn't necessarily mean he couldn't harm me. He could easily tear me apart and distribute my body to his carnivorous friends.
Suddenly, something the girl mentioned caught my attention. "Did you say villagers? Does that mean there's a village nearby?" Excitement welled up inside me.
"Yes," she replied simply.
"Thank God! Could you please take me there? I need help. I got injured, you see, and..." I trailed off, hoping for a glimmer of compassion in her eyes and I found none.
"No," she said firmly, cutting me off.
"What do you mean, 'no'? I promise I won't overstay my welcome. I just need a few things—a treatment for my head, some food, water, money, a change of clothes, and a way to leave this place. Oh, and someone who can explain how and why I ended up here in the first place, and what do you mean by a lost traveler?" I pleaded and questioned.
She stared at me silently, seemingly contemplating her decision. "That's more than one thing," she finally pointed out.
👀👀👀 Oh God, please make her decide to help me!
After what felt like an eternity, she looked at me as if scrutinizing every fiber of my being. "Fine," she conceded.
"Yes!" I shouted in relief.
"First things first, your head has already been treated...."
"Wait, what?" I interrupted, puzzled. "There was no one here except me until I met you."
She looked at me disapprovingly. "If you had let me finish, I would have explained," she snapped.
"I'm sorry," I hastily apologized. Why did it feel like I was talking to an adult rather than a child? I was tempted to ask her age, but I didn't want to further annoy her.
She gave me a gentle smile and resumed speaking. "Second, you can't enter the village because time travelers are strictly prohibited, and there's a reason I can't disclose the why's to a stranger. Third, if you don't return before dusk, you'll be stuck here forever."
I wanted to say something, but I could only groan inwardly as she continued her monologue.
"Now, about your head injury and your broken spine, I know who caused them. I don't understand his motives, but rest assured, he's currently not a threat," she whispered almost inaudibly, emphasizing the "not currently."
"I'll skip the second part, as I can't explain it to a stranger," she declared. "And third, it seems you aren't aware of your powers just yet. Someone deliberately opened a portal, and unfortunately, you happened to step right into it. It appears that-that someone wants to test your capabilities."
"How old are you?" I blurted out, unable to contain my curiosity, my words hanging in the air with a mix of fascination and eagerness.
She turned her gaze toward me, a subtle blend of surprise and amusement playing across her features. Her response carried an undertone of bemusement, "Of all the bizarre things I just said, my age is the only question you thought of asking?"
A blush crept up my cheeks, the realization of my question's peculiarity washing over me. "I'm sorry," I quickly interjected, hoping to explain myself. "It's give off this strangely familiar vibe, and the way you speak goes beyond what I'd expect from someone your age."
Her expression softened, a mix of understanding and amusement flickering in her eyes. She seemed to be reevaluating her initial surprise. "Humans," she sighed, as if weary from interacting with my species, and a hand gently massaged her forehead. With a resigned exhale, she continued, "I'll tell you how to return to your time. Listen carefully..."
But my mind couldn't easily leave behind the revelations that had just tumbled forth. The enormity of it all seemed to settle in layers around me, like a thick fog of disbelief. "Wait!" I interjected again, my voice rising with a mix of shock and incredulity. "You mean this isn't a dream? And I'm not dead and in hell?"
The weight of my words hung heavily in the air, mingling with the newfound understanding of the situation I was in. I could hardly fathom the notion that this was indeed reality, that the strange world around me, and the enigmatic person before me, were tangible and not the constructs of a tortured imagination.
Her patience seemed to wear thin, as a heavy sigh escaped her lips. "All that I've been explaining seems to have been sailing right over your head," she remarked with a touch of exasperation, shaking her head slightly. "It appears someone didn't do a great job repairing your cognitive functions. But enough of that – now, back to the matter at hand: returning to your time..."
"But I was being chased by a giant before I got here," I interjected, my mind still reeling.
"I know. Just listen and stop interrupting!" she snapped, as thunder rumbled ominously in the sky, leaving me bewildered. Slowly, I stole a quick glance at the girl before backing away cautiously.
Rolling her eyes, she continued, "Go back to where you first arrived, the tree. Imagine where you want to be."
My jaw dropped in astonishment. "It's that simple?!"
"No, it's not that simple," she mocked, imitating my previous excitement. "It will require immense willpower because once those who brought you here sense your attempt to return, they might try to stop you."
"Oh God!" I exclaimed, feeling a sense of dread creep over me. "How would they try to stop me?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear.
"I don't know exactly," she replied, her tone filled with uncertainty. "But I do know it will be something that won't be easy for you to resist."
"Do you remember the way back to the tree?" she inquired, and I shook my head, indicating that I didn't.
She groaned in frustration, dragging her hands across her face while muttering angrily under her breath.
"Curse the gods for making me do this, just this once," she muttered, clearly exasperated. With a determined stride, she started walking away.
Feeling a sense of desperation, I had no choice but to follow her. She was my only hope in this bewildering situation.
"You don't have much time," she warned, casting a proud glance over her shoulder to ensure I was keeping up. "If you don't return before dusk, you'll be trapped here forever."
I get that already! You don't have to keep reminding me.
The thought of being trapped in this strange realm indefinitely sent shivers down my spine. It wasn't an option I was willing to accept. Determination ignited within me as I quickened my pace, determined to find a way back to the tree before darkness consumed the land.
As we continued our journey through the enchanting yet treacherous landscape, Prana glanced at me with a mix of curiosity and concern. "You may not be aware of your powers yet, but trust me, you possess something extraordinary within you," she assured me, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mystery and viciousness.
Together, we pressed on, our determination unwavering. The path ahead was filled with unforeseen challenges and mystical beings lurking in the shadows, but I knew deep down that with Prana by my side, I had a fighting chance to make it back home.
As dusk approached, casting an ethereal glow across the landscape, we finally reached the tree where I had first arrived. Its ancient branches reached towards the heavens, whispering secrets of time and space.
Prana turned to me, her eyes shining with a mixture of admiration and farewell. "Remember, envision your destination with unwavering focus," she instructed, her voice laced with a touch of sadness.
I nodded, gratitude filling my heart for this extraordinary young guide who had shown me a world beyond my wildest dreams.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, allowing the memories of my home to flood my mind. The familiar sights, sounds, and scents consumed my thoughts, and with every ounce of my being, I willed myself to return.