Saved by the Chieftain

Derek released the full might of his decay aura in the form of a horrifying wave that surged forward like a dark tsunami, relentlessly advancing toward the looming war machine. The tank, seemingly unfazed, responded by firing its massive cannon.


Upon contact, the shell disintegrated almost immediately, overwhelmed by the destructive force of Derek's death magic. However, in a cruel twist of fate, the point of detonation was closer to Derek than to the tank. As the explosion erupted, Derek's face contorted in dread, realizing the peril he was in.


With quick thinking, he crossed his arms and brought them up to shield his face, bracing himself for the impending shockwave. When it struck, it was like a battering ram of force, propelling Derek backward over twenty meters through the air. His body crashed to the ground with bone-jarring force, agony coursing through his every limb.
