How is he a beta?

Derek stood there, pondering Todo's offer carefully. His sharp mind assessed the situation, and he saw no significant demerits in accepting. On the contrary, it could be an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.

Even if, in the future, some members of the tribe stood against his ascension to the position of alpha, he would possess the knowledge, experience, and authority required to lead. He recognized that his father, Zachariah, though a respected beta, lacked the ability to impart the crucial lessons he needed to become the strongest werewolf. If he wished to learn that, it had to be from the alpha himself.

"Very well then." Derek said coldly.

After brief contemplation, Derek gave a nod of agreement. Ragnar and Loth, though trembling with fury, dared not speak out against the decision with Todo present. The power and authority of the alpha stifled any dissent.

Todo then turned to Derek, his gaze serious and concerned.