Power of the first ancestor

Under the radiant power of the full moon, the strength of the Khan tribe's werewolves surged to unprecedented levels. The transformative force was too compelling to resist, and many of the tribe members partially transformed, showcasing their newfound might. However, unlike the uncontrollable frenzy that typically accompanied their transformations, the presence of an alpha helped them retain their sanity and focus.

Meanwhile, Duren Than and his two hundred-plus soldiers, deep within the dense forest that enveloped the Khan tribe, remained oblivious to the changes that had taken place outside. As they ventured further into the fog-filled forest, Duren's sharp instincts kicked in, and he came to an abrupt halt.

A frown etched across his face as he sensed an imminent threat. Without a moment's hesitation, he swiftly drew the battle axe strapped to his back, raising it defensively to block any incoming danger.

