Brief exchange

Duren Than, despite his battle-hardened experience, found himself utterly perplexed and deeply unsettled by the sight before him. He had known Todo Khan as the leader and alpha of the Khan tribe, and by all accounts, he was a formidable figure. Yet, the massive black wolf that stood before him now dwarfed any alpha wolf he had ever encountered. It was as if every alpha he had ever seen was reduced to a mere domestic dog in comparison.

Furthermore, the deafening roar that had resonated from this behemoth of a creature had left his own soldiers paralyzed with fear. It was clear that this wolf possessed a unique ability, one that could bend the will of its own kind to its whims. Duren's confusion deepened. Abilities like these were typically only found in alphas, leaders of wolf packs who commanded loyalty through sheer strength and force of will.