Winning a war in minutes

"Who the hell are you?" Duren asked with a deep frown as he tried to understand why a member of the Khan tribe other than Todo would possess an ability of not just one ancestral alpha but two.

In fact, even now he had a lingering suspicion that this kid had more than what he was showing.

Unfortunately Duren's demand for Derek's identity was met with laughter.

"Why would I bother identifying myself to someone who won't live past today?" Derek asked with a matter-of-fact look on his face.

Duren, however, remained unfazed by Derek's taunts. "The insurmountable gap between the human realm and the warrior realm is like comparing it to an ordinary human challenging a superhuman endowed with immense strength and speed."

Derek countered this analogy with his own, "In that case an ordinary human armed with the deadliest weapon and honed combat skills, facing a superhuman adversary with raw strength but no finesse."