An Offer

Atop the towering mountain, the Draconian and Lacy crouched low behind a cluster of rocks, their eyes locked onto the surreal scene unfolding below them. The vast valley stretched out before them, and down in the valley, an eerie spectacle played out.

Hundreds of undead soldiers, their pallid skin contrasting sharply with the dark armor they wore, stood in formation. It was a chilling sight, as they worked together in perfect unison to lift the massive war tanks above their heads. These tanks, each one a formidable war machine, were being transported through a narrow pass that led into the territory of the Khan tribe.

The two observers exchanged bewildered glances. They had never witnessed such an extraordinary display of necromancy. No human realm necromancer was known to possess the power to control such a vast number of lesser undead soldiers. The Draconian couldn't help but wonder how Derek could manage this feat with his current mana reserves.