Making a new friend

As the weight of their recent ordeal hung heavily upon them, Derek turned to Sol with a furrowed brow, his voice edged with urgency.

"How is it possible for these ancient deities to manifest in the mortal realm?"

Sol's usual vibrant countenance had dimmed, a weariness settling in as he struggled to muster his strength. With a weakened voice, he replied,

"As long as a sanctuary is built in the name of the lord, he is there."

Derek's sharp mind immediately grasped the significance of Sol's cryptic words. "So, as long as a sanctuary is built in the name of a deity, it is able to descend into the mortal plane of existence," he concluded.

Realization dawned upon Derek, the urgency of their situation intensifying. "We need to leave, now," he declared, his tone firm with resolve.