Utter Defeat

The Eternal Kingdom stood encased within imposing walls that rose to majestic heights, their towering presence a testament to the kingdom's fortitude. These walls, built of weathered stone, stood as stalwart guardians against the world beyond, shrouded in an eerie, dense white fog that draped the land in an otherworldly embrace. The ethereal mist lent an air of mystique, obscuring the world beyond the kingdom's perimeter.

Amidst this shroud of fog, the guards stationed at the walls maintained a vigilant watch, their forms barely discernible in the eerie haze. As the fog thickened, their alertness heightened, a sense of foreboding seeping through the dense atmosphere.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the dense fog, a haunting silhouette slowly staggering forward. The guards, gripped by an instant sense of alarm, readied their rifles, aiming at the mysterious figure. The captain of the guards stepped forward, his authoritative voice cutting through the tense silence.