Meeting Earl Cho

With a determined effort, Sol pushed himself upright, straightening his posture despite the lingering discomfort. His resilience evident, he assured Lancelot with a reassuring nod,

"Do not worry, Sir Lancelot. I'll manage."

Turning his attention to the task at hand, Sol instructed Lancelot to guide them to Earl Cho's residence. However, Lancelot hesitated, voicing concerns about anything that might destabilize the unity of the city of Kabel.

Sol's expression turned dismissive as he lifted the royal seal, holding it aloft with a profound sense of authority.

"As long as this royal seal is in my possession, the unity of this nation will remain unwavering," Sol declared with unwavering confidence.

Lancelot, recognizing the weight of Sol's words and the significance of the royal seal, bowed in acknowledgment and agreement.

"Very well, Your Highness. I shall lead the way," he acquiesced, surrendering to the prince's authority.