
The tension in the air was thick as Lancelot's warnings fell on deaf ears. Sol, resolute in his decision, disregarded the cautionary advice. Alex and Lu Jin, driven by an unspoken understanding, leaped from their horses, their expressions devoid of emotion as they engaged the formidable cloaked figures.

Among the cloaked figures, one moved with an otherworldly agility, manipulating the earth itself. Chunks of rock surged forth, enveloping his body until he resembled a towering golem, his stony form hurtling toward Alex and Lu Jin like a juggernaut. His fists, encased in an armor of solid rocks, surged forward with devastating force.

But before the stony barrage could reach its targets, an unseen force erupted from Alex. An invisible surge of power blasted forth, propelling the rock golem backward with tremendous force. The golem crashed to the ground but sprang back up, exhibiting a remarkable agility despite the weight of his stony armor.