Night Three 2

After swinging away it didn't take me long to find a burglary being actively committed. Just took a couple of minutes to web up the two men that's attempting to steal from a home while in dark clothes and face mask. This time I made sure to leave them at the scene of the crime along with making enough ruckus to alert someone to call the cops. Overall it took maybe a few minutes to stop a crime and leave enough evidence for a conviction and charge to stick. On to the next crime!

I was free running and swinging through the outer edge of my neighborhood when I heard a woman screamed for help. I shiftly perform a flip from my current swing and head towards the direction of the scream. Not long after my change of direction I see a group of men trying to pull a woman into a van. She's fighting for her life as she tries to pull out her pepper spray to mace the men around her. With just enough luck and willpower she was able to escape the grasp of the men. She trips over the sidewalk as she tries to get out of the van but luckily for her, her would be kidnappers gave up on targeting her. The van begin to speed away as it leaves behind an oder of burnt rubber and tire marks on the street.

Luckily for me this is an opportunity to see how deep this syndicate rabbit hole goes. I shoot another webbed tracking spell on to the side of the van as it sped away. I take a deep breath before I begin to follow the almost kidnapped woman. I don't know which is weirder following her from the rooftops or following her from the street. She almost lost her life so she's definitely devastated and emotionally recked from the experience so I don't think it's a wise idea to approach her. Even if the intentions are to make sure she gets home safely....I continue to watch her from afar as she finally climb up a short flight of stairs to enter an apartment complex. Good that's all this spider creep need to do for now. I turn around towards direction of the van before turning the tracking spell on to my HUD.

In just the short 10 minutes that I've spent watching over the random woman walking to her home, the van must've already gotten a victim because it's currently heading towards the direction of the seaport....just how connected are all these criminals and their organizations. I leap off of the building I'm currently on to build my momentum in order to swing at the speeds that I want.

After about an hour of swinging I finally at the seaport. If it's one thing that's for sure it's that this warehouse is definitely not connected to the Chitauri harvesting business. It's on a completely different side of the city and the language that's being spoken by these men are different from the Chitauri camp. If I had to guess I would say Russian or some sort of eastern European language. Oh I love diversity in where diversity should matter. Everyone trying their best to make their money and destroy each other and the world regardless of their background.

Anyways in the inside of this warehouse was a smaller operation than the harvesting warehouse. From what I can see through the vent opening, there might be somewhere between 15 to 20 men here whereas before there was at least 70 to 100 men. I guess that makes sense, having too many people on a job that require less manual labor is just stupid and wasteful of time and money. Well the van that I was following is currently parked in the corner of the building. There's a couple of shipping containers in the middle of the building with just one of them being open. I guess your product needs to stay alive and well otherwise not only are you losing out on money but you're also committing 'worse' crimes than you already are.

Two men are currently dragging a drugged out girl out of the van. Uh this must be the next one they found after speeding off. Plenty of fruits to pick from a city population of 8 million I guess. One is holding on to the woman's arms while the other is carrying her legs. Just after a few minutes of waddling they've already gotten her into the cargo container and locked everything up. One of them look at a man that's standing on top the rails overlooking the whole procedure. With a nod, a crane came down to pick up the cargo container before placing it on a truck. It's still pretty early in the night apparently because there's no driver in the seat of the truck and the vehicle isn't even on just yet.

"It's Morbin time!" I quietly crawl out of the vent to explore the rest of the warehouse. Oh good the office is also by the top of the stairs. I just need to make a quick download of their business data and then I can call the cops. My fingers quickly creep their way towards the office as my body slowly slide across the ceiling. If anyone were to look up right now they might not even see me because the lights are hanging too low for them to see past the brightness illuminating the building.

Not long after I stumble on to the vent covering that's connecting the office room to the rest of the open area. Honestly this seems like a pretty dumb architectural design. You have a main vent for the air conditioning to get to into the office room as well as distributing cooled air to the rest of the office. And then you have one more that's just a 'covered' opening that connects the roof to the opem area. I don't want to sound ungrateful because it makes my job easier but goddamn that's some lazy wri-I mean architecture design.

The only problem I have is that there's a light source close by the vent and the area surrounding the vent is pretty well illuminated. Well a slight flicker of a light is all I need to get in anyways so that won't be too much of a problem. Now my major problem is what's on the inside of the office. There's for sure one person in there and taking them out shouldn't be too hard. But the unknown is that's dangerous, should there be multiple people and traps in there itight become slightly dangerous for me.

I should really develop a drone or something small with a camera so I can collect intel better. Wait I'm a fucking wizard who can access a whole ass dimension and can't get caught. I lean back as I let my hands unstick to the wall allow gravity to pull me down. With a twist and pull of my hands a crack in space open up underneath me as my body crash into the opening. Just like diving into a pool my body broke the surface tension of the dimension sending my body down a few feet before stabilizing. I nearly landed on top of one of the worker by I was too quick on my feet and avoided him completely.

Being in a completely different sublayer of dimension I knew nothing would happen to the man even if my heavier body and suit crashed into them. But it's better to start forming good habits now rather than later when I actually might land on someone in the real world. I look around the warehouse for a bit before climbing up the wall towards the office building. I must say the mirror dimension is a little bit creepy and unsettling for me. I know it's empty and devoid of life but the thought that there might be some creatures that can only exist here is not entirely out of the possibilities.

Anyways I made my way into the office just to find a single person sitting behind the desk. I wonder just how someone can come into a position and job like this, oh well it's not like I really care anyways. I deactivate the spell and exits the dimension as I creep up behind the man. "Yo boss man, where's the next delivery driver?" I rest a hand on his shoulder as I shoot a web at his wrists to lock them into his armchair.