Night Three 3

Before he could raise his voice to call for help or alert anyone, I form a stretched out web in between my hands and place it over his mouth. "I suggest you don't make too much noise or things won't go well for you and the crew." I place a finger on where my lips would be as I gentle push his chair towards the wall. With a few short flicks on my wrist he soon became cacooned within a ball of web on the wall.

I turn my attention to the his computer. Everything was still on and had yet to go into sleep mode because it took such a short time to disarm the guy. I start digging through his storage and browse his history for a second before just taking his hard drives from the PC. "With that done I think it's about time to finish up the work here." I slowly cock my head to towards the manager for his operation. With a flick of my fingers, the lights on the room goes off.

I slowly walk towards the door where the rest of the lights in the warehouse are still on. I conjure up a few knives as I aim them towards the cables holding up the lights. Soon everything went dark as my helmet scarf starts glow with a silver gleam. I jump down towards one of the men while everyone one else is still confused. With a firm grip around my new knife everything went pretty smoothly. All the startled men that were standing in the open area were no longer scared once they started sharing a warm shower together.

Not that they had a choice of voicing thier opinions because my knife was doing all the hard work for me. First it puncture a hole through the back of their lung and then from there it cuts through the spine to leave them in enormous paralyzing amount of pain but eoth no way of expressing before crossing the river for the damned. Now let's see that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-BANG BANG!! THUD! My body whips from shoulder to shoulder as I dodge the bullets coming from the gun that was aiming towards my glowing head and scarf. With a quick flick my wrist the knife found itself lodged into a soft brain tissue just right after the shots were fired.

"Goddamn that's cold!" I wipe off the blood from my blade with the jacket of one of the freshly layed corpse. These men stood no chance when I deemed their actions as worthy of a painful and agonizing coward's death. I walk around digging into their pockets to look through their wallets and phone for any more information. Well it looks like these guys are just some lowly kidnappers and don't have any higher connections. "May you find yourself in whatever afterlife you deserve" I put my hands together and give them a little words of passage before jumping backwards to swing towards the office door.

I stump loudly on the platform just outside of the office door and pause for a second. The slightly dim light of my helmet and scarf just barely reaching into the room. With a kick of my foot the door cave in and broke off the door frame. I slowly approach the man still stuck to the office chair and wall. From what I can see he's already pissed himself in the short time that the blackout happened and now he has a floating spider skulls slowly approaching him.

"I'm going to give you one chance and one chance only. Tell me everything I want to hear or else I'll be cutting into the spinal cords of your family just like I did to your crew." I reach my hand out toward the man before ripping off the webbing that's around his mount. "Now who do you work for and where are you sending the girls?"

"I-I don't know man. I don't know what your-ACK" I squeeze his left thumb it the bone simply crush under the strength of my hand. "The next on will be your balls and then your family." I shoot a ball of webbing at his crotch. "P-pleass man I can't say that. They'll kill me if I say anything. I have a family to feed I don't know what they do to these girls after we send them off. I don't get paid to know and ask questions." SIGH. I reach down to the man's crotch and with a firm squeeze...BLOP!

I've seen vets neuter male animals but they usually put the animals under before cutting open the sack to pop the testicles out. I think the man's testis are still in his sack but they've just changed into a phase of matter. Oh well it's not really my problem now. I've already call the cops using this building's phone and now I just have to wait for them to arrive to pick up the girls that are still in the cargo containers. I must say I have gathered a few millions worth of crypto currency and cash from this raid. Not bad since I'm pirating from human traffickers. And with the sound of sirens roaring in the distance coming closer and closer to this location I finally jump off the rooftop to swing away into the darkness of the night.