Week Two Too

The man that received the beating stumble on his way out of the office and not long after a new guy makes his way in. "You call for me, boss?" The guy spoke in a deep voice. "Yeah, give me the update on my products. How are our sales doing?" The two men begin discussing business for a next half hour before finally finishing up their meeting. "Before you leave, go over to the bar and grab yourself a bottle of whatever you want. You've done so much good work for me and the family that you deserve it. I'll have the men put a new shipment in your car before you go home." The boss man shook the other guy's hand with vigor before he departs.

Hmmm just some more business meetings about distributing drug throughout the city. Nothing really major that I need to deal with immediately. I continue to crawl through the ventilation system for about an hour before I finally arrive at the basement. There wasn't a lot that goes on her just a lot of illegal substances and money that's being moved around. I guess the business next door is to launder the cash into clean taxable money. I crawl through the underground passage that connects the two building and I soon arrive at the basement VIP lounge. It was a bunch of rich folks who think they could do whatever they wanted and are getting enabled to do so.

There's currently a group of 5 middle age men having their ways with a young small blindfolded woman. There's an opened bag of the crystal diamond drugs on the table near by. They must've taken some before having their session. I think I shou-the woman is crying....and that's not a woman. My blood begins to boil in rage as I slowly creep out of the vent. I drop down silently as the sound of a bunch of middle aged men's groaning is louder than me. I break the lights with a simple spell before walking towards the group in pitch black darkness. Once I got close enough my lighting affects comes on as I punch my fist through one of the men's chest.

The other four starts to freak out under the sudden change of direction and sensation. With on man rapidly dying around my arm, I throw another punch to a different guy. Soon I created new holes in the chest of these fuckers before tossing their corpse aside. I slowly approach the girl that's strapped into the table. She was trembling the entire time and the darkness didn't affect her since she was blindfolded before the lights went out. "It will be okay now little one. The bad men are gone. Where are you from and where can I send you to keep you safe?" I snap my fingers and her restraints quickly became undone. I help her get off the table but she would not speak a word. I take off her blindfolds to check her eyes withthe lights from my helmet. She was gone. Lost in the recess of her mind while her brain try to block everything out to protect her.

SIGH. These sick fucks are going to pay for this shit. They may have gotten away with a quick death penalty but I'll make sure their reputation and legacy gets destroyed along with anyone else who knows about what they did. I walked her to a shair before producing an emergency blanket from my belt. I sat her down before walking back to the bodies of the pigs. I create a portal to the roof of this club and toss the bodies out. I dangle each and every one of the naked corpses over the ledge and hung them there with some webbing. Next I walk over to the electoral control panels on the rooftop and pop open the metal covering. I upload a simple recoding of what the men did and the face of their victim on to the screens of the club's dance floor.

I turn to jump back into the room to bring the victim out. I close the port just in time before anything was able to open the door to the room to see any traces of me. After a few minutes of swinging I drop off the victim to a fire department before swinging back to the clubhouse. Now it seems like the club might've been emptied out because a whole bunch of people are rushing to get out of the establishment. I portal myself back into the room to gather some more evidence and surprisingly there's nobody here. They probably arrived after I left but couldn't find any besides the blood of their VIP members. I turn to look around until I finally spotted the camera that's tucked away at a corner. I turn on my lights while looking at the camera before throwing a conjured dagger at it.