Reunion After The Bite?

"Hey Peter what are you up to? I want to go to the mall to look for some new Legos." I sent Peter a text on the morning after the trafficking the bust. I'm currently sitting in my living room drinking coffee as I watch the mornings news. So far there's no mentions of the clubhouse. Just that there's been a serial killer on the loose because a bunch of people just got murdered in a gruesome matter. Hmm...and their bodies where discovered in the area that I was just in last night... interesting. Welp there was also the bodies of the high ranking members of society hanging off the wall that eventually ended up falling down onto the street after the webbings 'gave out' once people started leaving the club. But if nothing happens then nothing happened. I've even hijacked time square with the video footage from the lounge with so many people seeing it and freaking out. It's no longer on me to bring out justice, it's now on the public and everyone else to get justice done for the rest of the victims that I didn't encounter on that night.

BoING! "Hey Ned how you doing bro. I know it's been a minute since we hanged out but I've been very busy lately. Maybe next time?" Peter sent a text trying to avoid me. Maybe he thinks he doesn't have enough time...wait is Civil war about to happen? No...not yet I still have at least a year or so before the band breaks up. It's only 2015 because the winter soldier events just happened last spring...fuck is he fighting Ultron before me?

Shit fuck I need to create an AI to compete against Ultron incase J.A.R.V.I.S doesn't survive to make the carp jump to becoming vision. I've seen marvel What If...'s and I do not wish to be reincarnated into a world where infinity Ultron is born because fuck that. I didn't do all this hard torturous training to become a magical spider just to be in a universe where Ultron kills the multiverse.

Well at the very least Sokovia is still around...right? I jump down from the ceiling of the living room to walk over to my computer. After a few quick strokes of the keyboard I came to find out that Sokovia is still around and bustling with people and money. Sigh. Yes that means I can still try to help the Avengers and get in before it's too late....they'll accept mass murderers into the group right? I mean Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Iron Man has killed hundreds of not thousands of people, with Thor and Tony easily being the the million plus range. Thor is a thousand years old space viking so he's definitely seen his fair share of blood and glory. And Tony used to be called the merchant of death before he turned over a new leaf as a hero and keeper of peace. Oh and let's not forget about the boy scout Captain America. He for sure has killed hundreds of people during his war and secret missions as the US's best human weapon and tool.

Right uh back to the present. I think I should be able to crank out something to help me out with Ultron and J.A.R.V.I.S. Although I'm not sure if it can really compete with the murderous sentient creation of two mad scientists and a programming that's been continuously upgraded over multiple years of not a whole decade. It should be able to stand on it's own since it will have the power of God and anime on it's side. And magic, it'll have some sort of mystical integration to give it a slight edge to compete with the bleeding edge technology.

"Okay bro, just let me know when you're available because this summer will be very boring without you. Won't have anyone to build Lego Star wars with." I send Peter a text to buy myself some more time alone to create something big and spectacular. I'm not sure what the name will be but it'll probably be spider related or something. I put my phone away as I put on the holographic display of my computer. I inverse the images so I can still work from the ceiling. And with a quiet back flip, my center of gravity switches as I begin to dangle from the ceiling of my apartment. I start to type away at my keyboards and interface as I start to build an advance intelligent program from the ground up.

-----Several Weeks Later-----

"Hello." A voice call out to me from the my living room causing me to wake from my first official rest of the long summer nights. I have been laying low since a week after the human trafficking raid to focus on building an AI. The city had already forgotten about me and more focus on the main web slinger of our city. He's been making great efforts to try an save everyone and everything in order to fulfill his slogan of being 'your friendly neighborhood spiderman'. Which isn't bad because this isn't about fighting for the spot light. I want Peter to be seen as the spider hero of this city while I am it's grim weaver.

If you encounter a slim and agile spider of red and blue it just means you'll be come out safe and sound in police custody. However a spider of black and silver means a kiss with death and a dip in the river Styx. Although it's been a while so I'm not sure if they'll still remember the fear of seeing a floating silver skull in the darkness of the night slowly getting closer. The last time anyone saw the mystic spider was at a nightclub where under age prostitution and drug dealing was the main underground business. The main ring leader and most of his generals had their heads hung up high above the dance floor while the most valuable customers had were hanging out by the pavement.

I quickly jump from my bed and land on my feet as I slowly walk towards my living room. "Good morning BMO." I call out to the voice coming from the speakers. "I'm glad you're finally awake and running. How are you liking your new home?" I asked while rummaging through the fridge to make breakfast.

"Who are you? And what am I?" The voice call out to me. "You are BMO. An intelligent program that I have created in hope of becoming sentient and capable of becoming your own individual and personality. You are design to help humans and protect them from any threat that I won't be able to handle. In other words, you are a program I've design to Be More than just a program." I bring out some cuts of bacon and eggs from the fridge. I start wash my rice in the rice cooker before getting started on my breakfast.

"I am BMO? BMO help human people?" Once I was done washing my rice I set it in the machine to cook it for me while I begin getting my bacon ready. "Yes BMO, your purpose is to protect and help human and to fight for the greater good of all humans. But most importantly you are my child, one I wish to see being capable of reaching the stars and going beyond what I can." I place down a cutting board as I begin to chop up my green onions and mushrooms.

"So what should I do? How do I help you help people?"

"Well to start with you can form a holographic avatar of your chosing to interact with out home. I will leave you in charge of keeping my house clean and safe while I continue to protect everyone." After I was done cutting I place down a pan on the stove and lay down some bacon before turning on the flame. "I've made some designs for how i imagine your body is and what you represent. But you're free to choose your design yourself according to how you proceed you're BMO."

"I see, there is so much for me to learn before I can help others and before I can help myself even. How do I keep the house clean if I don't have a body to move with." I turn over the bacon once my tingles starts to go off. It's perfectly crispy to how I want it, now I just have to wait for the other side to finish cooking. "We'll get to there later. Right now just put on some music for me. I want to start off the day in a good mood. I've been locked up in here for a long time trying to bring you to life BMO." I grab the eggs and break it into a bowl before beating it up with a fork.

"Playing Sober by Childish Gambino." BMO announce over the speakers before slowly projecting their self on to my table. "Ooo that's a good pick BMO. I'm glad to see you're finally picking a form. I'll install some cameras so you can see around the house too." I pick up the bacon strips and lay it on a paper toweled plate before pouring in my eggs into the hot bacon grease. By the time the song was finished playing I was done cooking and the rice got done just in time too. I plate everything up onto a rice bowl before walking over to sit on my couch. BING! "Hey Ned what are you up to? You wanna go get the Lego set we were talking about a while ago?"