Close Encounters of The BDSM Ninja

On my way out of the mall I couldn't help but have a smile on my face and join the cheering crowd of people as we watch a red figure swinging through the city. His suit is a low quality cotton mismatch of a sweater, sweatpants and poorly designed goggles over a red ski mask. Welp I can't say I would be able to do any better if I was in his situation. Living a double life while struggling with his teenage awkwardness, economic situation and lack of a strong mentorship or guidance. Once Peter was out of my line of sight I continue on my way towards the metro. I would join him on his adventures but I think it'll be too early. Plus I need to book my flight to Africa soon because the avengers had just taken down the last Hydra base in Sokovia today. I nearly spat my drink at Peter today while scrolling through Reddit. I thought I still have a little longer but I guess not.

Since I'm running out of time soon I'll have to push back my street level plans for now. I walk into the restroom of the station and released my tingles to feel if there's anyone around me. Once the coast has been cleared, I conjure up a portal to my room. Stepping into my apartment I just want to lay down on my bed and take a nap because it was pretty exhausting having to hold on my senses and manipulate them around Peter. But in a way it's a good form of training too, not too many people or spiders can do what I can with their bodies.

I take a nice cold refreshing shower before packing my things up into a backpack. It would be nice to have my suit also function as a backpack since it looks like a backpack for the majority of the day but that's a project for next time. Once I've packed a few days worth of clothes into my luggage all I need now is some good rations because I need to camp out for a few days in south Africa. But that's next week's project too. Right now I need to work on BMO and put them into a few drives for me to install on to the avengers tower and Stark network. If I'm not wrong, a few days from now Ultron should be born. Born? Awaken? Summoned? Whatever it the classification is, Ultron will try to kill J.A.R.V.I.S as a way to escape the AI program that Tony and Bruce created. That is when I'll strike to get Loki's scepter and install BMO to spy on their operations and technology for me. It would be cool to try and lift miojrnor too but I'm not invited into the party just yet so I'll wait on that.

Now I need to go get some groceries. It appears that I've been living off of nearly expired vegetables and milk for too long. "BMO chose a dish for me to cook tonight. You have until I'm done with creating your extensions to pick." I close my fridge and walk over to my desk to begin working on my handmade custom USB drives. It didn't take too long as all I had to do was put a miniature processor that contains some of BMO's source code on the the drive. After that was a remote switch, blending compartment and wifi transmitter to respond back to my network. Aaaand BOOM.

"Ned, how about some Korean fried chicken?" I let out a laugh because their voice is now more and more like the cartoon. "Did you pick that because the voice actress for BMO has a Korean accent?" I finish up the last of the drives as I close off my computer and holographic displays. "Just because I went with the character that you copied and built me from doesn't mean I'm suggesting Korean food because of the actress' ethnicity. But yes, Korean fired chicken sounds like a wonderful dinner for you tonight Ned." I put the drives away and insert two into my utility belts. I insert a processing core into the back of my helmet to allow BMO faster processing and calculation on my suit and nightly activities. Maybe this way I can use my deepsea lights even more effectively in intimation and fear control. "Well BMO I think you're right. Find me a good recipe along with the ingredients I need at the store."

I put everything away and put on a sweater before heading out, it may be summer time but it still gets chilly during the evening. Especially since I'm living next to the ocean.

Honestly I'm not sure if my big size ward off other people or not because I've yet to be targeted for a mugging. Not that I'm complaining because I'm the one doing the targeting and pain inflections once I'm behind a mask, but it's only to those that deserve it. I'm not a bully, just a defender of peace. Once I arrive at the store I hold up my phone and begin to look at the list of ingredients I don't have at the house and the ones I need for fried chicken. Huh I was expecting a lot less, welp I'm glad I have someone to do all my nutritional planning because I can survive on just instant ramen noodles, eggs, and rice. Roughly 15 minutes later I'm done putting everything I needed in my basket when all of a sudden two masked men walked in. Really? You want to try an rob a corner store? The only one that we have in this neighborhood?

"THIS IS A STICK UP OLD MAN! GIVE ME EVERYTHING THAT'S IN THE REGISTER!" One of the men points a gun at the store owner while the other one is looking out for anybody else in the store. It's relatively late but not really since it's only about 8-ish at night. Uh well I guess it wouldn't be too bad of an iead to rob a store 15 minutes before closing. "Really Tyson? I know those eyes whenever I see them." The old man grumble as he stare down these two punks. "I've watched you grow up from a little boy and now you want to rob me?"

The boy cocks his gun to make his non-threating gesture seem more intimidating. "I ain't Tyson old man and you on't know nothin. Now give me the money before I bust a cap in your skulls-" and just like that a man in red leather tights came in to save the day...or night I suppose. It might have been too fast for those two wannabes to clearly see what happened but someone who isn't spiderman walked through the door and began beating them up with these nunchucks looking things.

After a few short moments the man had disappeared while leaving the two subdued men on the gorund. They're rolling in agony after getting their asses kicked by a kinky ninja. "That's what you get for being a punk. Now get out of my store you two are banned from ever showing your faces here ever again!" The owner shouted at them while pointing at the door. He hasn't really done anything besides being calm and collected as if this wasn't his first time experiencing a robbery attempt. The two quick got up and stumble out of the door in embarrassment. Even with their masks on they were definitely about to cry over this.

The entire time I've been standing in the back holding my breathing. I know who that ninja that just came in is and I do not wish to trade blows with him. Not yet anyways. Hopefully me hiding my presence was enough to make him ignore me and not even notice that I was there because of he did then it'll be a bitch to sneak around him next time.