Going To Work

I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I eventually dozed off at some point after staying up for almost 48 hours. I've been messing with my gun to try and have it be a modular item that when resting it'll look like nothing more than a square box or a lighter. But when armed it'll actually fold out and turn into an actual fire arm that I can use. So far I got the look and function of the gun to work like how I want it to but the modularity of it is the issue. I had BMO slow down on their simulation of project 001 to help me with the logistics of such a technology....and well eventually I fell asleep at my desk. I wipe off the drool from my lips before looking around at the progress for project 001. It's even after 48 hours of continuous testing and simulation we're still just scratching the surface of this incomplete-completed formula. I decide to get up from my desk and I walk back into my apartment to make myself a cup of tea when I hear a notification from my phone go off.

I summon for my phone to float towards me as I continue to tea bag my hot mug of water. I reach out the take a look of my phone notifications while letting my hot cup of tea cool down. Huh? Just emails and spam, nothing interestin-oh fuck I have an unopened Snapchat from Wanda. I quickly open it up and it's her in her room laying in bed at the facility with a message that says "good night." Oh that's cute, I wonder how she's doing now?....fuck that was sent 20 hours ago. I check the time and it's 6 in the morning... I sure probably say something but she might be asleep by now. Fuck it, what do I have to be scared of? She's only the most powerful person I've ever met and want to build a relationship with.

I send her a picture of me with half of my face in the mirror dimension. It looks like my face being fractured into multiple reflections that gradually disappear into the air. Fuck it totally looks like a filter from the late 2020s of my previous life. I was about to put my phone away to put on the news when I get an immediate response back. Huh? I guess she's already awake at 6 in the morning. I open up the message and it's her in her room showing off her powers. Her eyes have a red glint to them while there's a ball of red energy around her hand that's in view of the selfie. I smile and send her another picture of me sipping my cup of tea, this time with a text saying "you're up already?" Soon I receive a response of her laying in bed while cuddling with a pillow. Her eyes are closed but her hair has a red hue to them. I send her a video of my desk while slowly zooming on to a certain object that I've forgotten about. "That's my coffee cup that I left to cool down. It's been there since before we met in Africa. You wanna come over and share some kombucha with me?"

She sends a picture of her face being covered by her pillow with only her eyes being exposed. "What's kombucha?" Fuck. Just how little of the world does she know? I send her a picture of my tea cup. "It's like beer but with no alcohol and made from cultured juice or something." She sends a picture of her disappointed face. "So it's alcohol with none of the fun? No thanks." I let out a chuckle before taking a sip of my now some what cooled tea. I turn over to my window and send her a picture of the raising sun. "It's only 6 in the morning and you want a drink already? How old is you again?" I blow on my tea for just a bit as it's now the temperature of how I like my tea and coffee, slightly above lukewarm. Hot enough to be warm and cold enough to not burn my tongue. I receive a picture of her hiding her face again. "Sokovia was a war torn country for as long as I can remember. So consuming alcohol at a young age was the norm." I stare into the black space of my between my wall and ceiling for a bit before send a picture of my now empty cup of tea. "Has Thor left the facility yet?" I receive a picture of her sitting up from her bed. "No he's still here but I think he's planning on leaving today since he couldn't find the mind stone." I suck in my lips as if I just ate a whole lemon, skin and all. I really need to get started on project zero. I only have one of the six singularities. I don't think I'll need all six to achieve what I want in life and I don't think my body would even be able to handle it but I think having a better understanding and plan for them wouldn't be too bad of an idea.

"Wanna go on a date later today? I have somethings I want to come over for. Then we'll go on a date after I'm done with the facility." I send her a picture of a pigeon that landed near my window. I get up from my couch and was about to go change when I caught a whiff of my armpit. Fuck I need to take a shower first before anything else. I've been locked up in my laboratory for far too long. Once I was done with the shower I start digging through my closet for some clothes I can wear for a regular date...fuck I still need to walk around the facility and no one knows how I look like. Fuck it I'll just wear my helmet the entire time while I'm there. I pick out my outfit and put on my backpack while holds my suit and helmet. I put on my head piece before opening a portal into the lobby of the place. The portal on the floor of my apartment but on the ceiling of a hall way there. I jump through and had to twist my body almost instantaneously because falcon had already been alerted about my intrusion and went for a flying tackle. I shot a ball of webbing at his goggles before attaching another string of web to his chest as I duck under him. He didn't get far before ramming into floor because I had already stuck my end of the web to the ground.

"Is that a proper way to greet your coworker? At least let me stretch and warm up first before you tackle me this early in the morning." I stare at Wilson while he tries to quickly get up only to end up getting more and more wrapped up in my web. "What the hell is this stuff man and who are you?" He continues to struggle while still trying to be the tough and intimidating soldier that he is. "What you don't recognize my helmet? Tsk tsk tsk. You're fucking up Sam. Gotta ship you back to basic training until you can recognize this young handsome man without even turning your head to look at me." I slowly approach him with a ball of water in my hand. I place a few ice cubes in the ball and let the sphere spin around for a few minutes before tossing it at him. "It's spider webs. They dissolve under ice cold water." I turn around to walk away from him as I head towards the cafeteria part of the building. There's a small staff of cooks getting breakfast ready for all the Avengers as everyone is slowly starting to wake up. I walk over to the fruit stand and grab myself an apple and banana. I was about to be told no by one of the cooks since they've never seen me before but they quickly stopped because of my mask.

I walk over to the table and sat down before slowly taking off the jaw piece of my helmet. "Look who finally showed up." A voice call out to me from behind across room. I don't need to turn around to know who it was because I can see them on my camera display but I still turned around to wave. "Well you guys finally have food available. I still won't stay here though, I have people who I interact with everyday that will start to suspect things if I start living the life of an Avenger." Steve let's out a scoff as he walks over to grab himself some breakfast too. "You know, it would be a lot easier if you move in with us. In emergency missions there wouldn't be any delays if we don't have to wait for you in the future." Steve sits down next to me as he begins to dig into his bowl of cereal with cut up fruits. "Come on Cap, you already know that time delays aren't an issue that I have." I open up a portal to grab some blue berries from the fruit stand. "All you guys have to do is alert me during the emergency and tell me where to go. Hell I can always just come to the quinjet while it's already in the air." I let out a chuckle before taking a bite from my apple.

While chewing I couldn't help but have a smirk grow on my face as I see Wanda and Wilson finally arrive into the cafeteria. "I was wondering when you'd show up." I spoke to both of them without turning my head. "You couldn't use room temperature water? Gave me a cold refreshing shower just a few minutes ago." Wilson walks over to the kitchen to grab a plate of warm breakfast before walking over to sit by Steve. Wanda does the same and sits down next to me. I can't help but chuckle as I try to continue eating the rest of my food without causing any more trouble with my mouth. Soon the rest of the avengers came to join us at breakfast, while they went to get breakfast I got up to grab some more myself. When we finally got back at the table, I turn and point a fork towards a certain Norse god. "Thor! You think I can visit Asgard some time in the future?" He nearly spat out the first bite of food that he barely had the chance to even eat and consume.

"Silk touch, you wish to accompany me and visit Asgard?" He finally gets the food down and wash it with some juice before turning over to me. "What? No. I just want to know the location of Asgard within the Cosmo and your permission to drop by for some field study. I'm trying to work on a new suit of armor and I want to take a look at how your armor is made so I can make my new suit a little...more intimating." I gave him a smile as he return one back to me. "You want a new armor? I can just having a new one made for you Spider. There's no need for you to over extend yoursel-" He lets out a laugh while but I cut him off. "And I want to learn about Asgardian magic." Thor pauses for a moment while looking at me. His mind racing on what to say next.

"I'm not to one to decide if you can learn the trades of my people but I will ask my father. For a warrior to also be a scholar, you and Stark are a rare breed in my society." He smiles before getting back into his breakfast. "Thank you Thor. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and explore the universe. Also I want a chance to spar with you and your fellow Asgardians." I finally dig into my second round of breakfast before turning my attention to Wanda.