
Once we were all done with breakfast everyone got up to start doing their own thing. I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do when we don't have an active job or mission but I guess training together to work more efficiently as a team is always a good idea. I walk over to Tony to see what the plan for the day is. "Huh? Oh just do whatever you want kid. When we have down time like this, anything you want to do you can. Just don't do anything too crazy." He chuckles before turning to walk away. "Hey can you let me know when you're sending Thor off? I want to study how his bifrost magic works." I try to continue the conversation but he just gave me a peace sign as he continues to walk away. I turn to look at Wanda and have her a little wave before turning over to Wilson. "You wanna spar in the gym? I've always wanted test your steel ever since I saw you on TV last year." Wilson cross his arms as he look at me with contempt in his eyes. "You gonna use that web stuff again?" I let out a chuckle as I aim my right wrist into my left palm. "I can't seem to get rid of it. But I can give you a handicap to make it more fair." Wanda let's out a giggle causing me to smile and blush a little.

"You gonna wear that or do you need your out on your suit?" He points at me as I'm still in my casual street wear with my helmet on. "Oh uh I kinda need to change into sports wear because I have something important later to attend that requires a little shower and freshening up to do." I open up a portal into my room before stepping through. "I'll see you in the gym Wilson." I smirk at him before pulling my jaw piece from the table into my hands. I close the portal while looking over at Wanda. After a few minutes I jump through the portal and land on the ceiling of the gym. I thought I would be the first one here but Wanda has already changed and waiting for me. "You wanna spar too?" I tilt my head slightly as I look at her. She looks so beautiful and sexy in shorts and sports attire. She starts to blush slightly as I check her out. "Just wanted to fit in." She brush her hair to side while trying to make eye contact with me but failing to do so.

"You ready home boy?" Wilson walk into the gym and look up at me. "You're not putting on your wings? I was looking forward to sparing with you in that." He lets out a scoff. "You won't wear your suit so I won't wear mine. It'll be unfair to not give your rookie ass a handicap...." He stands here awkwardly as he was expecting me to drop down to the floor. "You sure you don't want full maneuverability? I can almost indefinitely stay in the air in enclose spaces like this. I wouldn't be fair to fight like a regular human when you're facing against a guy that can stick to walls and shoot webbing." I shoot a web at the ceiling before hooking myself on to it so I can slowly lower myself down to his level. I would give him a smirk but my helmet is now complete and won't show my face. Wilson let's out a grunt as he begrudgingly walks away to put on his wings.

I drop down to before walking over to Wanda, who's sitting at one of the benches in the gym. She's been watching the entire time and tried her best not to laugh at Wilson as I keep letting him fall on his face. "What? You didn't think that was funny?" I got down to her level as I sit next to her. She looks at me before shaking her head. "It's not that it isn't funny. It feels like you've became a douche and jock trying to bully Sam." Her hand gently brushes against my arm. "Oh fuck. Well that wasn't my intentions. I know he's a soldier and a damn good one at that. He's someone with the capability to take over the mantle of Captain America and serve the title with justice and righteousness. I just want to tease him along the way until he can pick up the mantle." Wanda let's out a scoff. "Wow you really are a bully." She smirks before placing a kiss on my cheek. "You watch way too many American dramas." I chuckle and grab on to her hand while we wait for Wilson to come back. Not long after he finally shows up in his wings along with Steve, Tony, and Nat who wanted to come and spectate our spar.

A smile grew under my mask as I walk away from Wanda and meet Wilson in the middle of the gym. Tony and Nat walks over to join Wanda at the benches while Steve remain in the middle to act as the referee for this match. "Remember, we're all a team and this fight is for practice and learning. No hurting each other's too much and have fun." With that sentence coming to a close Wilson flew towards me at the fastest speed he could gather. It wasn't even fair because I could already see what we was thinking about done before Cap was even done talking. I know I could probably just copy what I did to him this morning to take him out but that's pretty boring. So I stand there waiting for him to get closer to me, to him and everyone else it might've been just a few moments before he'll teach me. But with all of my will and attention being refined and focus on just him, it felt like I was watching him fly at .75X speed towards me. Not fast enough to fully go toe to toe with a speedster but fast enough to win almost any fight.

Once I was within range of Wilson, he tried to give me a drop kick by changing his momentum through closing his wings in while also flipping backwards so that his feet would hit me instead of his head. I jump out of the way from the kick and land on the wall. I turn my head to look at him to see what he's going to do now that I can always dodge his moves at the last minute. Wilson lands on his feet before taking off into the air again to try and close the distance between me and him. I just keep jumping from wall to wall and ceiling to floor for a couple of minutes while he continues to change after me and missing his hits on me. I can tell he was getting frustrated so I open up a portal on a wall and jump through to land a kick on one of his wings from below. This cause it the bend and make him drop from the air. Before he could fall too far and make an unsafe impact, I've already shit a string of webbing on to his jet pack.

I jump down from the ceiling and before I could even say anything he throws out a punching at me following with another kick and a jab from his elbow. I go on into my mother's soft style and sway all of his attacks to the sides with the guidance of my hands. No matter how hard or fast he tries to punch out or throw a kick they all continue to lose power and hit the air around me. Finally I stop moving backwards and step forwards as I touch his chest with the tips of my fingers before pushing my palm into his body. Suddenly his body gets blown backwards and I can see his souls being pushed out of his body. None of the spectators can see Wilson's soul, all they see is that he's falling backwards but for some reason in a very slow manner. I call his spirit back into his body and shoot a web on his chest to pull him back just slightly before he hits the floor.

"What the fuck was that man!" Wilson look up at me like he's just seen a ghost. For a brief second he was fighting with me and then suddenly he was seeming the back of his body and me looking directly at him instead of his body. All of this before being pulled back into his body and hitting the floor. "Just a spar bro." I chuckle and extend our my hand to help him get up. When he got on his feet, Steve and Nat walks over to talk to us about the fight. They've never seen how I really fight before and it was pretty funny watching a guy jump from wall to wall like gravity was only a suggestion and now a law. "Well I can only really do that in enclose spaces like this. Otherwise I need tall buildings to swing from to remain airborne." They all pause for a minute while thinking about me swinging from tall buildings. "Wait I thought you were the mystic spider. Are you and the red spider guy the same person?" Wilson takes off his jetpack to look at how bad the damage has been for his wing. "Uh no. He's Spider-Man while I'm the Mystic Spider. I've been watching him too because he started being active around the same time as me. All I know is that the difference between me and him is that he's just a spider while I can use magice." I conjure a shield in my hands.

"Alright well do you guys want to keep sparing or should we go send our Norse companion off and tell him good bye?" Steve looks around at the small populated gym. "Hey as long as I get to study his bifrost magic I do not care." I shrug my shoulders and walk backwards into the mirror dimension before going back home to take a shower and change. Once I got back everyone was already in the aircraft hanger part of the building to send Thor home. I jog over to join them and soon while standing on the grass outside Thor summons the birost to go home. I had BMO record all of it as it was happening and the thing that interest me the most is the inscription left behind on the ground. I closely exam the burning marks left behind by the bridge and I can feel a very dense and power aura of energy that is still radiating from the markings. It's not radioactive or anything bad but it is powerful.