Sorting Things Out

"I thought you were messing around but you really are interested in Asgardian magic." Tony walk over to me as I kneel next to the burnt markings on the lawn. "It's not magic Tony. It's technology...but more. What I use is magic but I can break it down into science terminology for myself. This...this is technology that's synonymous with magic." I look up at Tony with a bright gleam in my eyes. "Now I have more of a reason to drop by more often. Try to keep this area as preserved as possible for me please. I'd like to keep suddenly this for a project of mine."

"Ah sure kiddo. Just don't start calling it your precious." He chuckles before walking away to a car that just drove itself towards him. "Hey uh do you think I can intern under you for a while? I'm very curious how your assembling technology works. Never really got over how awesome you looked putting on the suitcase back Monaco." I stand up to walk towards him before quickly stopping because Tony turned around the moment his car got close. "You still remember that old junk? Heh maybe when you're in college I'll consider an internship." Tony walks towards his car and a suit suddenly begins to build itself around him.

" when did you figured it out." I slowly stretch out my arms before stretching my hips and legs. "Oh just a few days ago when I was going through the security cameras and then the other day when you and Wanda were riding the city bus like a cute little couple." Tony chuckles before turning around as his face gets becomes covered by his face plate. "Tony...what's going on?" My spider senses starts to tingle as I look around. Almost everyone has left the area but I can still sense a lot of warm bodies around and a gun being aimed at me. A smile grew on my face as I've never had this much fun and excitement dancing with death before. "I was just about to as you the same thing Mojang. What are you planning on doing with the mind stone?"

I sense where Nat and her sniper rifle is and gave her the finger without looking at her direction before putting my hands into the air. "Tell me, how many of you know how I look like?" I answer Tony with another question. "Oh just about everyone here. We wanted to see what you're true intentions were once you got here at the facility." Steve starts to walk up towards me from the building. He's now suitted up with his shield." Wanda on this too?" I glance over at Steve before going back to Tony. "I don't know what you did but she tried to lie about you when I asked her. So she's out of the loop on this one. Now answer my question. Why were you there on the night Ultron came to life to steal the staff and what's your intentions for the mind stone." Tony puts up his hands towards me to aim his repulser blasts.

I let out a sigh as I reach for my head to slowly take off my helmet. "Look I wanted to keep my identity a secret because I still want to live my life as a regular person too because I won't get the chance once my plans roll into action." Steve looks at me with a stiff and harden face. "You''re just a kid, Queens." I smile back at him before tossing my helmet away. "I know why you guys are doing this and I won't hold it against y'all. I just wished there was a better way I could've met y'all and still be able to save the world." Tony stood there in silence for a few moments before responding. "Kid...what did you do to the mind stone."

"Oh nothing yet but I do plan on using it to help me create a faster than light speed space engine. Hence why I wanted to study Asgardian magic so much and the bifrost that Thor uses to travel. You see Tony, we're all just specks of dust in the grand scheme of the multiverse. That up there? That's only the beginning." I point up towards the sky while looking at Tony. "We can try and protect Earth as best as we can but there will be a day that we can't. Maybe we'll get too old. Maybe we'll finally stay down and not get up again. Maybe we'll be out numbered and out gunned. As much as I would love to be apart of the Avengers, there's only so much that we can do. What I plan on doing is to elevate our species into a space age civilization. You've seen the thinks that lie beyond the void and the future that could end all of us. Now I won't create another Ultron like you. No, I plan on giving everyone the ability to defend themselves so we don't have to."

Steve gave Tony a look. "You think he's lying?" Tony doesn't respond for a few moments while thinking to himself. "His heart beats are steady and normal. Even Friday and Vision can't determine if he's lying or not through their sensors." Steve gave Tony an acknowledgement nod before turning his eyes back to me. "I'll believe you Queens but we need you to give back the mind stone. It's too dangerous for you to keep it at you home." I can't help but laugh before sitting down on the lawn. "It's okay Cap. It's hidden in a place only wizards can get into and it's locked in a box that can absorb and seal most of the radiation it gives off. So if anyone were stumble on to my place, they'll be distracted by my other more fun looking tools instead of a small humble box that's tucked away somewhere." Out of instincts my hands starts to pull out blades of grass for no real reason.

"Alright stand down everyone." Tony calls over the comms as he begins to take off his suit. Soon the gun barrel that I was feeling aimed at me, vanished as the rest of the avengers besides Wanda starts to come into view. "I'm so happy you guys think it'll take all of you to put me down." I can't help my smile before rolling on my back into a flip. I land on my feet and pull for helmet towards me using magic. "It makes me feel like I'm on Banner's level now. Speaking of which where is he anyways? I feel like I haven't seen him since we left Sokovia." I look around still trying to keep my mood up but all I see is everyone looking kinda awkward, especially Natasha. "Don't tell me our hulk has di-"

"He's not dead....we just don't know where he went. The last time I saw Banner he was rescuing me from Strucker's base. Back then he said he wanted us to disappear...I guess he truly left during the chaos of the falling city." Nat interrupted me to ease me about Banner being dead. Maybe it was to help ease herself too so that she wouldn't be the only one having theses thoughts. Soon Wanda walks out of the building with a cooler of juice and soda. "Did I miss something?" She looks around at the encirclement of avengers with me being in the middle of everything. "No not really. You just missed out on the cool rainbow affects that wraps around Thor when he flies into space." I wave at her before walking towards her.

"Ne-Silk! You're not wearing your helmet anymore?" She point at me in shock as I always wear my helmet around the Avengers and only take it off when I'm alone with her. "Heh apparently everyone here already knows my identity so there's no point in continuing to wear it here. Plus I need a new upgrade to this of junk. Been thinking about how to use the vibranium I got from Ultron's body." I smile at her before Steve spoke up. "You have Ultron's body?" He walks over while putting his shield on his back and taking off his helmet. "Uh yeah. Why would I let the world's most precious metal go to waste? Doesn't matter if it was salvaged from the body a world ending death robot. It's still usable once I can figure out how to re smelt it into what I need." I turn to look at Steve before reaching over to grab Wanda's hand. "Anyways we'll be going now. She'll be pack in a few hours." I grin at Steve before opening up a portal to an empty but lush valley somewhere in central America. "Silk, where are you guys going?" Steve look behind us with a hint of concern in his eyes while Tony is trying to guess where our next location will be. "Please, call me Ned. As for where we're going?" I turn to look behind me before walking through the portal with Wanda. "It's just a simple picnic."