First Date

"Hey what was that all about?" Wanda asked as I close up the portal behind us. Her eyes wondering around our new location as everything from the foliage to the scenery has changed in just the spand of a few seconds. "Oh it's nothing. Just Steve and Tony getting curious about me and wanting to work out some kinks between us." I smile at her as I hold on her hand while we both walk up a hill. "Ned...where are we?" She look around, a little unsure of what to do or say because she's never been to this part of the world before. "You know. I'm not really sure either. I just wanted to find a nice calm place with good winds for our picnic date." I smile at her before stopping a small plateau. The weather was perfect. It's not too hot or humid. The sun is out but there's parties of clouds that we'll periodically block out the sun. And the wind. The wind here feels amazing here at this elevation. "Weren't expecting a picnic as a first date?" I look at here before summoning a portal to call for a cliche picnic basket. "Is that why you asked for me get us some ice cold soda earlier?" She smile at me while holding a small cooler of chilled drinks on her hand. "Of course. That way you wouldn't feel like I'm the only one doing all the work for this picnic." I can't help but smile back as I open up the basket to lay out the red and white blanket for us to sit on. "oh man. You're really going old school on this aren't you?" She lets down the cooler next to the blanket and is the first one to lay down. I set the basket next to the cooler and secure all corners of the blanket into the ground before laying down next to her.

"Is this the part where we start pointing out what we see in the clouds?" She looks at me as if she was asking for permission to do something that she had always dreamed of doing. I chuckle as I tuck my hands under my head so I can rest my head. "I don't see why not? We're already in the position to do such movie troupe." I tilt my head to look at her before moving my attention back towards the clouds. "Oh that one sort of looks like a turtle. And that one over there looks like a car." She points to a few clouds that are merging together and falling apart. "That one looks more like a bike to me than a car. It definitely has wheels of some sort but it's not a car." She couldn't help but laugh before moving on to the next groups of clouds that are coming into our field of view.

After a while I call out two sandwiches from my basket and hand her one of them. They're nothing compare to Delmar's but it's good enough for a picnic. "You know I've never been on a date before. This is just about what I imagine an American date is." Wanda sits up to unwrap her sandwich. "I guess I could say the same thing. Never really had the time or mental capacity to go on a date with any girls my age. Since...well most of kids my age are just hitting puberty and what not." I slowly unwrap my sandwich before calling out a bottle of hot sauce from the basket. "You want some?" I look at her with the bottle in hand. She shakes her head while gently laughing and covering her mouth as she had already bitten into her food. I shrug my shoulders and put a few dabs of the sauce into my sandwich before taking a bite into it.

"So Ned, what do want us to be?" She looks over at me while I continue to chow down on my sandwich. "Uhmm." I swallow the night that's in my mouth. "Well I really like you and I do want you to be my girlfriend. And I've already introduced you as my girlfriend to my family. It's just...." I look at her, unsure of how I'm going to say this. "Well I don't want us to rush things but I can't help but feel like we are. Not that it's a bad thing...I just don't know how to make of i-" Suddenly Wanda pushes me over. I'm on my back while she's on top of me. "How about we just enjoy this moment for now?" She smiles before resting her head on my chest. "I can agree with that." I chuckle before setting my sandwich aside so I can rest my head on the ground. "What about you Wanda? What do you want us to be?" I wipe my hands on the blanket before slowly brushing my fingers through her hair. "See I really like you too Ned and I really want us to try and build something together..."

"Like a baby?" I let out a chuckle because I couldn't resist trying to tease her. "No!" Her heart beats starts to jump up in its pace. I can't see her face but I'm pretty sure she's blushing red right now. "I-I mean that could work too but not right now. See I've never been alone before and this is the first time in my life where it''s quiet. I've alway slept under gun fire, bomb drops and people crying over the loss of their loved ones. And for the first time in my life I don't have to sleep like that anymore. When I lost Pietro, you were the first one to help me. You were the one to help me move forward and without that...well without that I don't think I'll ever be able to live another day without my brother." She turns to look up at me. Her hand resting on the side of my face. "Thank you Ned. I want us to keep living in moments like this for as long as we can. Is that possible?" I smile and I cover her hand with mine. "I really wish we could but we have a lot of work to do before you and I can go live a peaceful life together. But for now. For now we can keep laying like this until the sun goes down." I chuckle before kissing a hand.

We continue to watch the clouds pass over us for hours on end. At some point we both left asleep under the warm shaded sun and didn't wake up until we heard my phone go off. I open my eyes and call for my phone to fly out of my pocket. "Who's calling?" A soft but groggy voice call out to me from my chest. "Oh it's no one. Just BMO wanting to notify me." I gently comb my fingers through her dark red hair as I continue to look through my phone. In the three straight days that I've had BMO simulate the project 001 formula, they had managed to find the parts of the formula that I want for my medicinal serum. As for the other part of the formula that I want, well that's still under simulation. Now that I know the formula can and will help with damaged tissue and limb regeneration, all I need to do is try it on live subjects.

"Who's BMO?" Wanda look up at me while slowly waking up from our nap. "Oh just my AI child. They assist me on things that requires computer calculations and amongst other things. Do you wanna meet them?" I look down from my phone to give her a smile. "You have an AI? Like Stark and Friday?" She sits up from my chest starts to stretch out in a yawn. "Yeah anyways say hi." I aim my phone camera at Wanda. "Hello Wanda." A synthetic voice with a slight Korean accent call out from my phone. "Did you really steal a character from a cartoon to be your assistant?" She starts to giggle while washing at the camera. "While some may call it thef of intellectual properties, I call it being so heavily inspired by something that you end up creating the same thing." I smirk at her before putting my phone away. "Are you ready to go back? It's probably around dinner time now in New York." Wanda gave me a nod before getting up and off the blanket. I was about to put everything away using magic but she was already one step ahead of me by using her red energy to fold up the blanket. I put my hands together and do a small miniature clap before opening up a portal back to the avengers facility. I pull Wanda in for a hug but she went in for a kiss instead. I'm surprised but try to keep it short and quick because I don't know just who might walk by. She cross over to the other side and gave me a wave. I can't stop myself from smiling in satisfaction as I wave back at her before closing the portal. I turn around and clean up the rest of my mess as best as I can before opening a portal to my home.