Minor Upgrades

Stepping back into my apartment I can't help but look around and let out a sigh of exhaustion and disgust. I've been away from my actual apartment for so long that there's dust and garbage everywhere. I aim my hands in the air to wave them around but fuck it. It's been a long time since I've done mundane things with my hands. Might as well as clean up without any magic. "BMO turn on some music for me. It's time to do some late summer cleaning before I start school." I walk over to a corner and begin picking up any garbage I can find. The music starts to blast through my speakers as I slowly work across the room before opening my closet to bring out my vacuum. About two hours later I was done cleaning up my simple apartment and reorganizing my stuff here. With a satisfied smile on my face I step into my laboratory to continue working on my projects. The universe never stops for anyone let alone a simple world like Earth. In the blink of an eye it has already been the last day of the summer and tomorrow will be the first day of freshman year for me and Peter.

I'm not worried about starting highschool all over again because it wouldn't be my first rodeo. But now that I have enhanced superhero senses, I'm not ready for the disgusting smells of teenagers whom are still figuring out how to shower properly. Just how did Edward and Jacob go through highschool as a vampire and werewolf??? Anyways all of my supplies have already been ordered by BMO while I was busy hacking away at my studies. All I had to do want periodically come out of the lab to grab the packages before anyone attempt to steal them. Not that it matters though, I still have plenty of money left over from the night when I raided those human traffickers. Hell with how I live my life, I've barely even made a dent in the amount of wealth I've gathered in my first summer as a vigilante. Might need to go by some hospitals or orphanage and anonymously donate some some tens of thousands of dollars over night.

Anyways in two weeks that had passed in what felt like a blink in an eye, I've been slaving away at my studies and I've made quite a few interesting discoveries. First of all BMO's network is too small for what I want and their processing power is too slow for what I need. So I used the mind stone to create a processor attachment for BMO's usage. Fuck a quantum computer and how fast it can make calculations, by using an ingot of the big bang as a secondary processor I've unlocked the ability to create almost any advance bullshit science I want. It still takes time to finalize the rendition of all the projects but they're done a lot quicker than if I were to do it myself. But as a precaution I've set up a fail safe to disconnect the mind stone from the main computer with ease and hard lock their primary program back into their central motherboard, if BMO were to violate any of the protocols I've set up in place for them. Which are: 1) Link with Ned, 2) Uphold the Mission, and 3) Protect Ned. Now it might've been a bit cheesy doing this but I can't have BMO turning on me and the rest of humanity just because they gained a portion of the infinity stones. Before they had to follow Asimov's laws to protect the greater interest of humanity but with them using an ignot of the universe as a part of their computering system I needed something much smaller and more restricting to prevent Ultron's rebirth.

Well back to my new toys. With the help of mind stone acting as a GPU I was able to being my other worldly childhood dreams into this reality. For as far as I know, I'm the first person on this planet to discover a method to create nano tech. Which isn't much of a bragging right because with just her natural intelligence alone, Shuri would have already developed nano tech by herself at some point next year after the event of civil war. But that doesn't matter. For now I get to enjoy my new toys for a little while before drastically changing the course of the timeline. So far I've upgraded my suit into a full vibranium one with a new magic arc reactor in the middle of my chest that holds all of my building materials. Almost everything about the suit is more or less the same besides a few upgrades.

I now have two crescent shape "handles" built into my chest that surrounds the reactor. When I pull them out, they're expand from the base metal casing and create a miniature hand gun to shoot with. And to prevent an accidental misfireing I had place the trigger on the top of the handlebar to fire off with a press from my thumb. Some of the open spaces that I used to have for civilians injures and emergency usage had now been allocated for bigger upgrades to my firearm. When I combine the two crescent handles into a circle, they form a sub machine gun that I can switch from automatic to semi-auto. Then by attaching several exterior components that I can create from my suit, the gun can grow to an assault rifle, anti-materal rifle and even a mini gun that fires rockets instead of regular ammunition.

But that's enough of my nerf toys, for the rest of my suit a there's been a lot of upgrades. The arms are not completely covered in metal and I can still use my spider hairs to stick to walls and whatnot. I no longer need such large gauntlet to seem intimidating when I can build them at will. This can be said with almost everything I guess. My suit is now much more aline with your typical web slinger suit as it's very sleek and skin tight, and anything that I need I can always pull from my chest to build with. The magical and electrical circuitry have improved tremendously too. With them being built into the nano particles themselves, I can create and summon any type shielding or spells on to my suit with just a thought. It has be came to easy to switch between magic and technology that I can effectively just think of an affect and the suit can conjure up the spell for me without any usage of my own mental energy. Perks of combing magic and technology I guess. I wonder why noone every thought about this before. The worst part about being a wizard is not having enough mental energy to keep summoning spells and forming the structure of said spells. While the worst part of most advanced technology is the lack of energy to power such a machine. By combining the two, you create an exponential sum of it's parts.

I've even been abe to synthesis new spider webbings that are stronger than my own organic webs, plus they can actually keep their structure even when exposed to water. They just dissolve after a couple of hours, which solves my evidence issue that I have with my organic webs. As for the scarf. Well I can't get rid of such a signature peice of my outfit. Since the scarf is mostly made with enchanted spider silk, I can't really put it inside of the arc reactor. However I can tuck it up and roll it into a rope to hold on to my reactor. Once my new amulet of misdirection has been activated, the reactor will sit in the middle of my chest as the center point of my suit while the scarf unfolds itself to dance in the wind around me neck. Plus I can't let it be the only piece of outfit that doesn't have vibranium on it. So along with having certain strings of silk being enchanted, it now also have certain strings of vibranium woven into the fabric to create an even stronger and more durable flowing scarf. I did have thoughts about putting vibranium into my webbings too to make it stronger but ultimately I threw away that idea because it sounded like a huge waste of precious metal.

As for project 001, well with the new processor I was able to solve the over heating issue and create a more solid formula than what Tony and Dr. Hansen was able to do. I just don't have any love subjects to test out the new and improved extremis virus on during my last two weeks of summer. Wanda and I still found time to hang out. All she had to do was let me know that she's coming and I just open up a portal for her to hang with me at my house. She was a little surprised to see the mind stone just casually plugged into my computer but after a while she got used to it. Now it's time for me to go to bed. Don't wanna be late for my first day of highschool.