Going Back To Work

With a slightly lustful glow in her eyes she tries to skip through all the training by crawling towards me while biting her lip in a very seductive manner. She attempt to climb on top of me on the couch while slowly pining my into my seat with her powers. I smirk at her and play along until she finally drops her guard as I plant a kiss on her neck. I decide to leave a bruise on her skin making her lose her strength and melting into my arms. With this opening of opportunity I open up a portal to her room using the hairs on my pointer finger. She tried to fight pull away as she wanted us to keep on going but I've already bind her hands behind her with a glowing rope.

"You'll have to train hard if you want to meet with lil Ned, Wanda. I've been waiting and can continue to wait for you. The question is, can you keep up with me when we finally get there?" I set her on her bed before calling for the car to drive make to the avengers facility. "Ned why do you have to make this so difficult." She puts on a pouty face while shrugging to break through her binds. "It's because I need to know you can handle the pressure before you can get the pleasure." I laugh at my own bad joke before walking back through the portal into my apartment. "I'll be waiting for you my little zemiak." I blow her a kiss before closing up the portal.

With the evening night growing even older I begin to get go back into my old routine of patrolling the metropolis of New York City. I pull out my amulet from under my shirt and give it a little swirl to activate my new suit. Tiny black metallic beads begin to spill out of my amulet as it crawls all over my body. I've seen my recording of this new suit up during my development of it and it's fucking sick. Right now my body is covered in a black and silver goop before hardening into a skin tight suit as my vibranium beads restructure themselves into their first form. My basic form is just like a regular spandex suit. All slimmed down for better agility in the air and better maneuverability in tight enclosed places. I reach my arms up into the air to stretch out my shoulders before squating down to stretch out my legs and lower back. With my muscles all warmed up and stretched out I open up a portal into the floor of my apartment.

Dropping down into a portal and jumping back up on to a roof of a building somewhere in the middle of NYC. I look around to gage my surroundings before swinging out towards the Kitchen. It didn't take me long to find someone attempting to commit an armed robbery. I allow my body to swing towards the direction of the crime scene before jumping on top of the building near the alley way. Back in R&D I've been testing out new lights for my intimidation mode and I think I've figured out what I like. Bright glowing red eyes are for up close and personal threats and battle. While dim red eyes with a glowing silver skull is for walking around in the dark when near criminals whom are in the process of shitting themselves. And of course the scarf has the be up during that mode. It's a part for the whole image. Can't have the mystic spider of death without his silver scarf and skull. Now if I need to, for the times when I can't keep up with someone during hand to hand combat, my eyes will start flashing through multiple colors to distract my opponent and my skull will flash in a bright silver light to cause even more confusion.

Anyways I jump down using my silver skull mode as I land next to the mugger. "Man man man and here I thought crime would begin to die down after all the families has been taken down." I spoke to the guy while startling both the mugger and his victim. "WHO THE FU-" The mugger tries to aim his gun at me but his elbow snapped inwards while his wrist gave out and his gun fell on to the floor. Before he could even let out a scream he fell to his knees as gently pat down on his shoulder after slapping his gun away. The victim also fell on his ass while watching his would be mugger spazz from shock. "Call the cops if you don't want him to die." I spoke to him with my skull dimming down but my eyes still red as I watch him stumble on his feet trying to get away. Welp I gave the mugger a chance to have his life be saved by his victim but what goes around comes around.

I look back down at the guy whose going into shock right now and I don't feel a thing for him. But even though he's a piece of shit trying to rob other people, he still has another shot at life. I pick him up by his collar and drag his body out of the alley way to drop it off on the sidewalk. If this city has any kind soul willing to save him tonight then that's his fate. If nothing happens then that too would be his fate for choosing such a career and encountering me. I look around at the almost empty street of Clinton before swinging away to roam around the neighborhood.


"So there you are!" I turn to the direction of my tingles as I try to see what I can find within my field of vision. Nothing. Nothing yet but then a-THU THU THU THU a roar of machine gun fire echos through the neighborhood as a vengeful individual lit up a building with bullet holes. I quickly swing towards the direction of the sound and tried to arrive before it was too late. But by the time I got there the gun fire had already died down and the perpetrator had already fled the scene. "Mhmm BMO what street are we on?" I stand on the rooftop of a building across the street from the newly swished complex.

"We are on 47th and 10th, Ned." "Hmm and that building over there. What's the name of the place?" I continue to observe the newly almost dead silent restaurant as someone slowly stumbles their way out of the front door. They quietly stumble their way east while trying to remain as calm as possible. "That building is the Burren Club." BMO states as they continue to scan for any information they can find about the building and its occupation. "Good good. This is the place I've been looking for. Thank you BMO. Give me anything you can find on this place and an other reports that have a similar case to this one. I want all of it filed up for me since I'm gonna have a lot of homework to do later." I let out a weak chuckle as I continue to observe the shredded restaurant from afar. Soon the police arrives and begin to investigate the building as some more are tapping up the outside.

Not long after a crowd of curious bystanders begin to gather as it looks like a bad scene and something straight out of a warzone. While watching from the rooftop I continue to do some stretches and light calisthenics to kill the time as I wait for my special duos to arrive. Among seeing thier heads popping out of the crowd and walking over to the sergeant to talk about the scene. I can help but have a smile on my face as I observe these two heros try thier best to fight for the people and the city using the rules set against them. SIGH. Welp this is going to be fun. I turn around to start to swing towards the hospital as need to get there and wait for my next idol to show up before trying to be friends with him.