Jumping on the roof of a building near the Metro-general hospital I begin to scout for my introduction with two of the defenders. While I myself am an Avenger, even if it's only part time, I can still find gigs and projects to do while also be a part time defender. Now I'm not quite sure how I'll do this because if my memory serves me correctly, then the devil and the castle will be fighting almost on equal terms. But with the devil ultimately losing out at the end of their first show down. Hmmm I think that's about when I'll drop in and introduce myself. The adrenaline would still be pumping but the fight would have already started to die down a bit. Now looking over the hospital there's not much going on. I hope I'm not on the wrong of the building otherwise I won't be able to see if Grotto had been admitted to the hospital yet or not.


Welp. I guess that solves my issue of facing the hospital correctly. Sounds of gunshots can be heard coming from the hospital building as an armed individual is shooting up the place, looking for one particular Irish gangster. I finish up stretching my legs as the sound of gun shot finally dies. I take a few feet back away from the ledge before getting ready to sprint towards the hospital building and leaping off the roof. But just as I was about to start running, a man in a black leather jacket made his appearance on the roof of the hospital. I stop dead on my tracks as I continue to watch him fire off a couple of sniper rounds into the street. Soon a red devil shows up to the rooftop and they starts getting into a fight.

With this being my queue, I leap off of the rooftop and make my way over to the building that the two defenders are on. I'm not sure how but they're pretty quick and soon they've already moved two blocks away from the hospital while still fighting. I give chace and before I know it Castle is aiming his pistol at the blind Devil. "Bang!" I shoot out a web at gun and flick it upwards as Castle pulls the trigger. BANG! The point blank range shot missed the head of the red devil entire. "Slow down there buckaroo." I call out from the top of a rooft access door while looking down at the two fight children. "No one else need to die tonight." My red eyes flicker and fade from bright to dim while I my skull shine with a illuminating silver glow while my voice has a little distortion to it. I know Murdock isn't going to due but he will pass out after losing the fight.

"Tsk" Castle clicks his tongue as he kicks the now disoriented devil off the building before aiming his gun at me. I wasn't concern about the falling devil as he'll definitely survive the 12 some odd foot drop on to the next building. He'll just be tired and knocked out but won't touching death's door tonight. "I see you've been busy Castle." I drop down from my ledge to get closer to him. "You supposed to be some kind of ghost?" He continues to aim his gun at me while keeping his guard up. "Something like that. Look I don't want fight you nor do will I stop you." I put both hands in the air to show him that I don't have any weapons. Which is a lie cause these hands are lethal weapons and I can produce guns from my suit.

"Then what do you want? I was only expecting one devil tonight. Didn't think I would be meeting the silver spider too." He slowly puts his gun away has he begins to walk in the opposite direction of Murdock. "Wait that's what the streets are calling me? That's kinda lame." I start following him from behind. "How do you know about me anyway? I've been off the grid with nothing to lose. No one even knows that I exist until I hit them." Castle stops at the edge of a metal staircase while looking at me. He's supposed to be a ghost. A deadman walking and taking out his vengeance on the criminal underbelly of New York.

"What can I say. I'm a big fan of your work. Especially what you did during your black ops days in Afghanistan." I let out a chuckle while swinging my body to the side to dodge his bullet. "How the fuck do you know that!" His hands shaking from the mention of his previous work overseas. With his experience as a war hero, he wants to keep his body under control but me showing that I know a bit more about his life than I should really shaken him up. Especially all the war crimes he was ordered to commit. "Like I said. Big fan." I smile under my mask as I slowly walk closer to him. "I would like to propose a partnership and perhaps even a friendship. You and I have the same goals for the scum of this world and we-" BANG! I swivel my head to the side again as I shoot a ball of web to his wrist. "Really man? I'm trying to help you here." I look at Castle as he tries to take off the webbing with his other hand, only to get both hands stuck.

"What the hell is this?" He continues to struggle but soon finds himself stuck to a wall as I shoot more webbings at his body. "Just a way for us to talk. Look I'm going to be frank with you, Frank. You're not stable right now. When was the last time you allowed your wounds to heal, let alone get a full night's rest as you rage war against hell's kitchen." I walk over to him before squating on the wall so I can still be eye level with him.

"Now my webbing with disolve in a few hours. By then you should be able to move your body. Get some rest Frank. Even if it's standing on your feet, at the very least allow yourself to get some sleep. I can't have a teammate that always on the verge of passing out due to over extending himself with caffeine and adrenaline." I drop down and begin walking towards the devil of Hell's Kitchen. "I'll be in touch Frank. All I want to do is help you take out the scums of New York and get revenge on your family." I wave him a peace sign while keeping my back to him. "HEY WAIT A MINUTE. COME BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!" He yell out at me but I chose to be deaf tonight so I can go help our blind friend.