WebNovelLast Luna25.11%

Logan Stormfell

Haila sat kneeled at the fire, her water just came to a boil so she took it off and poured it onto a vase.

She ran the faces of those girls in her mind, the smiles, the joy of being offered a mate, she would probably never have been in that type of situation thanks to her responsibility as Luna, but that didn't matter...

She placed the tea leaves into the cup, let the water flow in, the whisk was up into her clasped hands and she closed her eyes to say a quick prayer first "For my mother, give me the knowledge to be who you were..."

She flipped the whisk and placed it in, gently stirred the tea to perfection, then slid the whisk over the rim and lifted the cup.

It was calming more than anything she could think of, Frey really pressed some buttons back at that arena, and Haila was very close to silencing that old wench!

"No~ no~" she said to herself "Serenity~ Haila~" she said again and sipped her tea.