WebNovelLast Luna25.54%

Be selfish of me

She stood just as she was looking at his tent, 'Humiliating' he said, so Logan wants her to be a bitch?

"You... Like me cussing...?" She asked turning to him.

He said nothing and struck a stump.

"That's why I knew I'd like you... Are you lying to yourself if you say you're not interested in me Logan?"

"No" he said and glanced "I do like you, I just can't stand the fact that you came here to me, I'm filthy and worked, I can't stand your eyes on me because I'm not Alpha material, yet still you persist like a girl begging her dad for a pony!"

"You're a dangerous wolf, and that's what I need"

He heaved and struck that next stump so hard the two pieces flew away disappearing over tents.

"I'll say it one last time Haila... Don't smooth talk me"