"I feel as if I have forgotten something very important." I say out loud as I pace my room. I really have to start walking with a notebook to keep the important things secure.

"My memory is probably getting worse. Maybe it's because I have travelled in time." I mutter as I look out my window and the breath taking scene doesn't seem to change.

Like a frozen winter land, the snow was slowly piling up in the streets and it looked marvelous. Our house was situated at the top of Mount Dragon, a hill where only the few most powerful families had settled and our house was number one, showing just how powerful we were. The other families all resided in the valley and it was a sight to behold whenever the sun set or rose.

"I wonder how the Artemins were able to easily over power us when we have this much power" I wonder indeed.

'Oh, that's right. I was supposed to see Adrian this evening.' I think as I sigh. Such a bother. As if on cue, my phone lights up with a text from him.

"Where are you? Do you want me to leave you? Hurry up over here and I might forgive you." It reads and I sigh.

"Even in my new life, he still wants to rule me." I say as I look at the message. Deciding to ignore it, I grab a quilt.

I sat down at my window that faced the whole valley and looked at how the once green environment was slowly turning into a frozen highland, bundled up in a warm quilt staring at the horizon as the memories flooded through.

The snow reminds me of Lewis and the times we spent together in my last life. Throwing at each other snow, ice skating. We even tried to make snow angels, well I made the snow angels. Even though he mostly wore a mask when we were together and he was stuck in a wheelchair, it was always fun being with him.

"Somehow, I wish he were here with me right now." I whisper to the day before slowly drifting off.


"Here. This should be warm enough for her. Look at how blue she has gotten."

I hear voices in my room as I sleep and I am startled awake to find Ale and my mother in my closet.

"But mother, this is not stylish at all." Whines Ale as he holds up some granny square scarf and I can't help but agree.

'What's it with mothers and granny squares?' I think as I watch the two.

"What do you know? You are a boy and I am her mother. I know what will look best on you and her." Retorts my mother trying to get the upper hand and Ale was stunned speechless while mother got a smug look on her face. This had me burst out into laughter as this was the funniest thing I had seen.

"Oh, you're awake. Come, pick some clothes and get changed. We are going shopping." Says my mother as she places sown the clothes and gets ready to leave which has me puzzled.

"Mum, where are you going? I thought that you were picking my clothes." I say as I get up from bed. Wait, bed?

"What am I doing in bed?" I ask as I look around and notice that even the sun was up.

"Well, you fell asleep on the floor last night and it was Ale who put you back in bed. Don't ever do that again! We found you all blue lipped and cold." Yells my mother as I feel her fury. She has a point; I shouldn't have done that.

"Besides, you only ever wear clothes approved by Adrian so why should I pick out any clothes for you? It's not like you are going to wear them." She adds with a gloomy face and I feel like laughing.

One of the most feared women in high society was here looking all gloomy and pouty just because her daughter didn't want to wear what she had picked. Hilarious!

"Mum, can you pick me an outfit? You too Ale. Then I will select which I can wear after showering, ok?" I respond as I grab my slippers to go and shower.

"Ok." Answers my mother in a whisper and I find it strange but I don't take it to heart.

I head to the bathroom and quickly shower while admiring my good looks and long hair. After a quick wash, I exit the bathroom and find my mother with red eyes while Ale is consoling her and I am at a loss of words.

"Mum, why are you crying? What happened, Ale?" I ask frantically only for my mother to shake her head.

"Don't worry. Everything is alright. Just get dressed and let's go." She answers and I am even more confused. I look to Ale and he just shakes his head.

I turn to the bed and notice that mother had picked clothes closer to what I usually wear, childish clothing.

'I can't believe that I used to wear these kind of clothing.' I think as I cringe at the old memories.

Adrian had made me believe that I wasn't pretty enough to be seen in flashy clothes so I usually wore long skirts and clothes like I was from some convent. I later on realized that Adrian just wanted to kill my self-esteem so that I am easier to control.

'What a jerk!' I think angrily.

I pick a dress and some body socks with a comfortable button down jacket before going to change and return looking every bit a refined teen. Mother and Ale are obviously shocked as this was a change in my usual style.

"What do you guys think? Is this alright. It's not making my legs look even skinnier, right?" I ask them as I twirl around.

"Hmm, you could use more meat on those toothpick legs." Ale says, earning him a smack from mother.

"Be nice to your little sister." She says as she pulls at his ear. What's it with the ladies of this house and ear pulling?

"My dear Sundar." She says as she turns to me with eyes glistening with tears.

"Oh mum. Don't cry." I say as I embrace her. The water works were about to begin even before the true hoe down.

"Never forget that you are your own person." My mother says and I am confused at what she means.


"How many more shops you guys?" asks Ale as he trudges along with some shopping bags.

After the whole teary scenario earlier, we had had breakfast with the family before going shopping and Ale was our handy man.

"You're a man. Act like one." Retorts my mother as we strut off hand in hand.

"But we are rich! Why can't we have a shopping helper?" he whines a bit more and I think I heard mother's sanity snap.

"Be grateful of what you have and don't take it for granted." My mother says in a tone that warrants no more questioning.

My mother can be very scary when she chooses to be so and you don't want to cross her when she goes scary.

"Yes, ma'am." Answers the now docile Ale.

I laugh at Ale who looked like a defeated puppy and dragged him to a men's boutique where all hell broke loose…