Chapter 2 Accept the Task

Being called so intimately by such an ugly creature, Heman couldn't help to vomit and said rudely.

"Fuck off, you ugly thing! Don't try to get close to me!"

Hearing Heman's rude words, the ghost was directly irritated.

"I have thought about leaving you a complete corpse, but now I'm going to cut you into pieces, making you live in hell!"

After saying that, the two ghosts opened their mouths. Their originally beautiful eyes gradually turned black, which looked as weird as the zombies' eyes without pupils, and blood kept oozing from the corners of their eyes.

The two ghosts opened their arms and revealed long and sharp fangs at the corners of their mouths to pounce on Heman's neck.

If it had been before, Heman would have died.

But this time it was different!

There was no fear in Heman's eyes. He stood there calmly, and as he opened his right hand to grab the imperious sickle it appeared automatically.

Heman waved the imperious sickle at the two ghosts, and the sharp edge of the sickle cut straight at the ghosts' necks.


The ghosts screamed painfully.

The two ghosts' necks were cut off and fell to the floor. Layers of blood slowly flowed down and stained the whole floor.

The neck and body were divided into two parts, but the two ghosts were not destroyed. The headless bodies stood again and shouted in a miserable voice.

"I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as the words finished, the two headless bodies continued to run towards Heman.

Heman sneered.

"How could you two disgusting creatures be able to kill me? Nonsense!"

At the moment when the ghost pounced on him again, Heman suddenly changed, wearing a black robe, a long hat, and a skeleton mask and holding an imperious sickle in his hand.

He transformed into the appearance of Death.

Seeing this, the two ghosts stopped running immediately and kept still one meter away from Heman.

"The Lord of Death? Are you the Lord of Death?"

"How could he be the Lord of Death? He is surely just a useless human!"

The two ghosts trembled and said to themselves.

They stared at the thing happening before their eyes in disbelief and continued to deny themselves, because if the person in front of them was the Lord of Death, then they would definitely die!

Heman sneered. The skeleton mask suddenly emitted a green light. The surrounding of Heman was instantly enveloped by the power of Death, and the huge light was emitted toward the two ghosts.

Sensing the terrifying power, the two ghosts were so frightened that they prepared to run away.

However, Heman would not give them the chance.

Heman used the hell power, and the two ghosts' feet were instantly shackled. They were unable to move.

"Today is your last day!"

Heman once again raised the imperious sickle and chopped at the female ghosts' bodies. The bodies were instantly split in half.


The scream came again, and the ghosts turned into a black mist and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, Heman heard the voice of the system.

"Congratulations, the host. You have killed a level-C specter, so you can get 1,000 points!"

"Hum... A level-C specter?"

Heman frowned.

The system seemed to have known Heman's confusion and immediately explained it.

"This world is enveloped by specters. The so-called specters are creatures that have done all kinds of bad things before death and accumulate a large amount of evil power after death. They do all kinds of evil things and especially grab human souls to enhance their energy. The specters were divided into six levels from F to A in small to large order."

"There's one point for level-F level F specters, 10 points for level-E level E specters, and so on. The host killed level-C specters just now, so you got 1,000 points."

"Here's a tip for you: specters below level C are irrational and simply attack human beings. Specters reaching level C usually look like human beings. The higher level specters are at, the harder it is to distinguish them, and the less likely for you to kill them."

"I see!"

Heman nodded.

No wonder the two female ghosts couldn't be killed for the first time. They were level-C specters.

But so what? He still killed them, and they two finally turned into ashes.

Heman smiled with satisfaction.

Of course, the 1,000 points he got just now shouldn't be wasted. He had to continue to improve his strength.

Heman withdrew from the state of Death and continued to communicate with the system.

"System, I want to consume these 1,000 points to merge with Death."

"The points were deducted by 1,000! Congratulations! The fusion degree of Death increased by 1%!"

"Congratulations! The hell fusion degree increased by 0.01%!"

"Congratulations on the improvement of the integrating degree between you and hell. You can accept the task from hell."

"Tip: you can choose to accept the task voluntarily. If you succeed in finishing the task, you will receive a generous point reward, and if you fail, there is no punishment."

"Is there such a good thing? For sure I would like to get the task."

Heman smiled. He had thought that only by killing specters could he get points, but he didn't expect that he could still get them through completing tasks. He had to seize this opportunity to quickly improve his strength.

The system sensed Heman's thought and sent out a prompt tone.

"I have detected the task [Seduce and Kill a Soul] from hell for you. If the task is completed, you will get 5,000 points, and if you fail to complete the task, there will be no points. Do you want to get the task?"

"Five thousand points!"

Heman's eyes widened.

"This task is not bad," thought Heman.

"I choose to get the task!"

Heman replied briskly.

"The host has taken the task." The sound of the system rang again.

Task target: Maya.

Gender: Female.

Age: 20 years old.

Life: 50 years.

Address: Floor 2 underground, Branca Block.

"This girl could live to 70 years old. Why should I take her soul now?"

Heman asked in confusion.

The system immediately sent a series of documents to Heman.

It turned out that Maya was a professional anchorwoman. She specialized in pretending to be a ghost and then playing tricks on others, which allowed her to obtain a huge amount of hits on the Internet and then became rich.

Mays had taken up this kind of job for a long time, causing a terrible influence.

She pretended to be a ghost to scare others especially when they didn't notice her.

She had scared a pregnant woman into having a miscarriage, and that even made her lose her life.

Maya's neighbor, a junior high school student, had just lost his parents who died in a car accident. Maya pretended to be his dead parents. The student became insane, chose to jump from the rooftop and died on the spot.

Mays's boss was a senior official in the city. It was his unique hobby to watch the live broadcast that anchors pretended to be ghosts to frighten people. Under the protection of the senior official, she was not punished. Instead, she gained both fame and fortune.

At the same time, the number of specters in the underworld continued to increase. These specters in the underworld were so furious that they must let Maya pay the price!

After reading the materials, Heman immediately understood the reason why this task was designated.

It was true that such a person could no longer be left unattended!

"Then let me make her pay the price!"

"I can directly transfer you to the designated place. Do you want to use the transmission function?"

"The system was really powerful!"

Heman sighed.

"Use the transmission function!"

As Heman sent out his instruction, the transmission function was turned on, and Heman was immediately transferred to the place where Maya was.

As soon as Heman landed on the ground, a gloomy voice rang in his ears.

"Handsome guy, do you believe there is a ghost in the world?"

Heman looked around and found that a hidden camera not far away was taking pictures of what was happening on the scene.

Heman suddenly realized that the target Maya was having a new round of live streaming.

And at the moment he was her new target.