Chapter 3 He Must Be a Fool

A few minutes ago, Maya, wearing scary make-up, had live streaming on her smartphone using a selfie stick. In the live streaming, Maya's face was as white as a dead person's, and she dressed up as a zombie and covered with artificial blood.

When Maya got close to the screen, people could clearly see her tears of blood which were so real and flowed down her face.

"Hey, dear audience, good evening. Who's the lucky one we're going to frighten tonight?" With the creepy laughter of Maya, the popularity of the live room rose sharply, and a lot of comments rolled up.

"Damn it! I was almost scared by the outfit of anchor today."

"I have to admit that anchor's tears of blood are too real."

"The anchor is so bad. Her dressing scared several men out of their wits. Ha-ha, but I like it!"

[Eyes of Maya] rewarded Maya with 10000 gold coins...

The first few viewers were scared to death by Maya, attracting more fans to watch the live broadcast.

In addition to the fans who were curious, there were also some fans full of justice. They thought the anchor's action would bring bad influences.

"What if the anchor scares others into having a safety problem?"

"This kind of behavior should be prohibited."

As a result, these voices were drowned by more fans of Maya's.

"Don't pretend that you are good people. If you don't like the show, then just get out!"

"It's Maya's freedom. Anyone has the right to wear whatever he or she likes. It's none of your business."

Maya's crazy fans were so horrible that the audience full of justice didn't want to argue with these fools anymore and chose to leave the live room.

Maya could have so many loyal fans who protected her not only because of her courage to frighten others but also because she was a hundred percent beautiful.

After all, her breasts were big, her skin was crystal clear, her face was pink and beautiful, and her unique sweet voice was as sweet as honey.

Countless male fans couldn't control themselves at all. They just wanted to protect her, love her, and go through fire and water for her.

Maya directly ignored those words she didn't like. She only accepted the praises for her bravery from her fans.

"Tonight, let's frighten another person to pee and cry, okay?"

Looking around to find her target, Maya's eyes lit up when she saw Heman in the corner. "Let's scare this handsome guy!"

The fans became excited and urged Maya, "Come one, Maya! Don't you want to see the scene where this handsome man is scared to death?"

"No matter how handsome he is, he can't stand the fear. Only in the face of danger can we really see through a person."

"That's right. I'm looking forward that Maya can let this handsome man have an evening that he will never forget."

Looking at the lively atmosphere in the live room, Maya smiled excitedly and cruelly.

"In that case, it's time to show my real skills."

Maya made her eyeliner thicker and wore a pair of milky lenses, which made her look more like a zombie.

Then she slowly bent down, with her hands supporting the ground in a circular arc. She even made an inhuman posture to twist her head upward!

With the recorded sound "click, click, click", she crawled towards Heman.

The audience in the live room was also looking forward to the next scene.

After fusing with death system, Heman had already keenly discovered everything.

"You are such a vicious woman. You came to me and asked for death. I won't have mercy."

Heman strode towards Maya, showing no fear on his face. He was so cool that there even was a trace of disdain.

This expression irritated Maya. Since she began her live streaming, no one had shown no fear of her dressing!

People in this world believed in science and didn't believe in the existence of ghosts, but everyone would have the emotion of fear.

The audience in the live room was also shocked. This was completely different from what they thought. Was he a fool?

"That's for sure. He must be a fool. Only a fool won't be afraid," thought Maya and the audience.

The comments were boiling and messages started to appear on the screen one after another.

"Why doesn't he move? Is he going to pass out?"

"Ha-ha, he must fall on the count of three, two, one!"


Maya didn't know that the person standing in front of her was the Lord of Death.

Maya turned around her head at three hundred sixty degrees and imitated the scary sound of ghosts in her mouth.

But no matter whatever she did, Heman looked at her with pity as if she were insane.

The way Heman looked at her stung Maya's weak self-esteem. She got up and replied to the viewers, "This person is a fool, and he is boring. I have identified it."

However, the viewers didn't buy it.

"This must be an actor invited by the anchor. The performance has been arranged before."

"That's right. If he didn't know it in advance, how could he not be afraid?"

In the face of the crowd of doubts, Maya was very angry, but she could not explain it clearly.

She also felt that this man was very strange.

"My lovely fans, let's go to find the next person to play tricks on. I am not willing to accept the humiliation."

Maya gave a lovely wink and said in a sweet voice.

However, in her heart, she wanted to quickly find the next victim to vent her anger.

As soon as she turned around and was about to leave, Heman, who was standing behind her, suddenly said, "Extradite your soul and take your life. Maya, you've already used up your life. I'm going to lock you up in hell today!"

As soon as he spoke, Heman, dressed in a black cloak, with a skeleton face, and his eyes were like will-o'-the-wisp.

He held the imperious in his left hand and a soul lamp in his right hand. The blue hell power, which was invisible to humans, covered his whole body like fire.

It was the work of Death to chop souls. So, Heman had to do this after transforming into the real body of the God of Death.

This was a rule that Heman had to obey.

Maya was surprised. She didn't expect that the man could change his clothes in an instant.

The audience in the live room became excited again.

"Is that a kind of cosplay?"

"What? This man is so professional! I haven't seen clearly how he changes his clothes."

"It's so funny. Does he especially pretend to be the God of death to come across our cute Maya? He really thinks he is the God of Death, doesn't he?"

"Oh, my God! I feel sorry for our beautiful and lovely baby Maya. She met an anchorman who wanted to share her popularity! Damn it!"

Maya suddenly realized that no wonder the man looked at her as if she were a clown. It turned out that he was an anchorman who wanted to become popular.

Although she disdained the man's action, his perfect dressing skill was very attractive.

She squeezed her plump breasts, lowered her collar and said in a voice one hundred times sweeter than before, "Your dressing skill is so excellent! I want to learn it. Can you teach me?"

The audience in the live room felt as if they had been electrocuted when they heard the voice Maya deliberately gave. They felt as if they were in heaven or the clouds.

However, Heman didn't respond at all.

His eyes were even colder as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Maya, your soul lamp has been burned out. It's the time to take you to hell!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live room and Maya were stunned. After a moment of silence, they couldn't help laughing.

"Ha-ha, this man is very good at acting. He really thinks of himself as the God of Death."