Chapter 4 The Lord of Death

Just now, they all felt that Heman was insane. Now they were sure that he was really a fool who ran out of some mental hospital.

"Little fool, remember to take medicine on time." She sniggered behind her hand and was about to leave.

However, Heman counted silently, "Three, two, one, the time for death is up."

Heman calculated that the last second of Maya's life had passed, so he raised the sickle and scratched her body.

In this way, Maya's soul was drawn out.

Next, Heman raised the soul lamp in his hand. As soon as the light shone on Maya's soul, it was sucked into the glass lamp.

Maya was shocked. She saw her body fall to the ground.

Her beautiful eyes widened, and the surprise on her face turned into disbelief and fear.

Her soul was slapped across the glass, and her voice became hoarse and trembled because of fear, losing the original sweetness.

"Let me out, you devil! What did you do to me? It must be evil magic!"

Heman raised the lamp to his eyes and looked at it. He said coldly, "As I said, I am the God of Death. Your life has been used up. Now you are dead, so I am going to send you to hell."

"No, I'm only twenty years old. I am healthy and didn't do anything bad. Why should I go to hell?" As she spoke, she screamed.

"Shut up! You have time to beg for mercy. Why don't you reflect on what terrible things you have done? In that case, you can feel less suffering in hell." Heman raised the sickle and gently cut the neck of the Maya's soul.

Maya felt a sharp pain in her neck, but she didn't touch anything. At this moment, she completely believed that she was dead.

"If you keep making trouble, I will beat your soul to dissipate."

Maya instantly became quiet and didn't dare to make any noise.

In the live room, the audience witnessed the sudden fall of Maya.

"What's wrong, Maya?"

"This can't be real! Did Maya really meet the legendary Lord of Death who harvests souls?"

"Stop it. That strange man must have done something to hurt her."

Some of the audience even felt that it was a serious matter and chose to call the police.

What they didn't know was that at this time, Maya's soul had been taken to hell by Heman.

"I'm not only dead but also in hell?" Maya muttered to herself.

A huge palace appeared in the boundless darkness.

There was a word on the palace, hell.

Countless red flames danced around the palace, emitting a hot aura like a volcano.

Two demons, with red bullheads and human bodies, stood at the door like a small hill, one on the left and the other on the right with steel forks.

There were countless demons with strange looks patrolling in line with weapons like soldiers.

The moment the demon staff saw Heman, they all bowed respectfully and greeted, "Your Highness, Lord of Death!"

The sound was neat and as loud as thunder.

Maya, who was lost in her own thoughts, woke up.

"Lord of Death?"

"Are you really the Lord of Death?"

Maya was shocked, but she quickly regained her composure. "Dear Lord of Death, I'm only twenty. How could I die at such a young age? Is there any mistake?"

Maya took the opportunity to lean her body against Heman's chest. Tears filled her eyes in an instant. Her voice was pleasing, making her look more pitiful and charming.

In the soul state, Maya took off the terrible makeup, revealing a crystal clear and beautiful face.

She looked so beautiful that people could not help thinking about her.

After confirming that Heman was the Lord of Death, Maya decided that no matter what she needed to pay, she would try her best to please Heman.

If she could get a position in hell, she would really reach the peak of her life.

As long as Heman had a crush on her.

Maya promised to play all kinds of tricks to make Heman so happy that he wouldn't want to get out of bed.

But Heman didn't like this vicious woman at all.

He directly threw Maya's soul to the guard demon and said, "This person has done a lot of evils and caused a lot of harm. First, roast her soul with the hellfire for a year, and then send it to the trial."

Then Heman left without looking back.

The guard demon received the order respectfully and looked at Maya with sympathy.

A chill came over Maya.

Although she didn't know what the hellfire was, the punishment from the hell must not be easy to stand.

When the guard demon took Maya to receive the punishment.

The police car arrived at the underground floor where Maya had her live broadcast after receiving the report.

With the address provided by the audience in the live room, the police soon found Maya.

Mark, the senior police officer of M City, touched her neck and confirmed, "She has been dead for a period of time. Her body is cold."

"Call the forensic expert and see if he can get any other findings."

After giving the order, Mark began to look around carefully, hoping to find other clues.

Behind him, Kevin, the assistant police, said, "The case was reported by the netizens. According to the investigation, the dead person is Maya, and she is an anchorwoman who dresses up as a ghost to scare people outdoors."

"Go on. Is there anything I don't know?" said Mark.

"Netizens in the live room said that when she was alive she saw..."

Speaking of this, Kevin looked a little embarrassed. He wanted to say something but stopped on second thought.

Kevin wanted to tell Mark that Maya saw the Lord of Death before she died, but he couldn't. He wore the police uniform, learned science and received rigorous training in the police academy. How could he talk about something like a fictional legend?

What's more important was that at the moment he was still standing at the scene of the crime. Saying something like that was too disrespectful to the dead.

If he told the truth, he could be regarded as making a mistake and be punished. As a result, he had no hope to be a regular worker and even lost his job! At that time, he had to take off his police uniform and say goodbye to it.

Noticing Kevin's hesitation, Mark frowned and said, "Just say it. Don't hesitate. Be a man."

Kevin shrugged and said, "Then I'll tell you the truth directly. You can't scold me."

Mark frowned harder. He and Kevin had worked together for many years, but this was the first time that such a situation had happened.

"Just say it. Kevin, what's wrong with you today?"

Kevin was ready to risk everything. The worst result was to lose the job. That was not a big deal!

"Mark, the audience in Maya's live room said that she saw the legendary Lord of Death before she was killed."

"Lord of Death?"

"It's the Lord of Death who uses the sickle to harvest the soul."

Mark was stunned. As a well-educated policeman, how could he think of such nonsense?

"What the hell are you talking about?" Mark scolded Kevin loudly.

The others looked at the two with strange eyes. Seeing that nothing was going on, they turned around and continued to work.

Feeling wronged, Kevin took out his phone, entered Maya's live room and replayed the video in front of Mark.

As Kevin adjusted the progress bar with his fingers, the two saw that Maya dressing as a ghost wanted to frighten Heman, but in an instant, Heman became the Lord of Death and grabbed Maya's soul.

Heman was a human body, so he couldn't hide himself when appearing in the live room and being filmed.

However, when Maya was in the soul state, she could not be seen by ordinary people or be filmed in the live room.