
To settle all odds is what we call a relationship. To maintain that settlement is what we call a lifetime. I wasn't willing to give a wrong for wrong. I wanted to be at peace with everyone___if at all that could even be possible. Still, I was going to try my best. 

I was knocking on Imelda's door, thinking I still had the chance to think it through and turn back before she opened the door but it was too late, she flung the door open. 

"Hey, Richard!" she said to me with a bright and broad smile that in a way brightened my mood. I smiled back at her and was going to lean forward to hug her when a guy came by her side. 

"Baby," he said, kissing her and grabbing her butt. I watched in surprise and waited for them to be done at least. 

They finally pulled away from the kiss and the guy looked over at me with an arched brow. I stared back at him not out of spite or bitterness but out of curiosity. Imelda noticed quite well and she smiled before speaking.