
Darius is stunned for a moment seeing Natasha who is already inside the house and acts as if nothing happened. Natasha looked her usual self, dressed in a dress like in the forties and sitting gracefully drinking a cup of tea she had brewed herself in the kitchen.

Darius considered for a moment. If he had asked directly where Natasha had gone, of course, she would be lying and Darius would not be able to find out the truth. Therefore, Darius decided to take part in Natasha's game.

"I'm just thirsty. Do you still have the tea?" Darius asked as he sat across from Natasha. They are separated by the dining table.

Natasha seemed to have planned to look as if she had been at home all day because Darius found that Natasha had deliberately left the television room a bit messy. This morning it was not like that. Natasha then poured Darius a cup of tea.