One Against All

"Dammit!" cried George with a face full of anger. Immediately, a colorful tinge emerged from his body. It was his aura of power that was already overwhelming because he had eaten the hearts of countless people. Michael secretly gulped seeing George like this.

"Last time we failed to take Charlotte Walter. I've ordered you guys to look for other ways but no one has come up with any good ideas!" he cried again.

"Sorry, Master. I'm looking for the best way. But when I went to Wilbury School, I couldn't find her at all," Michael replied.

George sighed as if trying to calm himself down. He then leaned his back against the back of his work chair and slowly the colorful light faded and disappeared. A second later, his friendly smile returned to his face. It gave Michael a slight chill.

"Where do you think she is?" asked George.