Practicing Magic

Chapter 92 – Practicing Magic

"Michael, it's up to you to believe me or not. Obviously, you need me too now. You can't go anywhere because George will find you and kill you. You understand that?" asked Darius.

He had no other choice but to threaten Michael. Darius couldn't let Michael not cooperate with him. He had to make Michael aware that he had no choice either. Like it or not, Michael also has to work with Darius.

Michael widened his eyes and rose to his feet full of emotion. He quickly grabbed Darius' collar and pulled him up. Michael knew Darius was much stronger than him but he didn't care. Michael will not show his fear of Darius. Unexpectedly, Darius was silent when Michael threatened him like that.

"If you intend to deceive me, you will suffer the consequences, Darius!" cried Michael.

"It's okay, Michael. Whatever I tell you, you won't believe me. Everyone is the same," Darius replied.