Trace of Charlotte Walter

Chapter 93 – Trace of Charlotte Walter

"Talisa!" cried Darius.

Talisa didn't know why Michael and Darius were shouting for her constantly like that. However, a moment later she realized that she had made a great earthquake. Talisa only realized it when she saw that one of the trees in Darius' garden had fallen.

"Good grief!" Talisa exclaimed.

He tried to concentrate on stopping what he was doing, but he simply couldn't. Talisa screamed to be able to move her hands, but her hands seemed to be locked in the magic wand and couldn't be released. It felt like his hands were stiff and kept sticking out in front of him. Now Talisa also realized that from the tip of her wand appeared a greenish light shaped like a laser beam, pointing directly at the trail on the ground. The light is now making a trail on the ground as if lifted upwards.

"Looks like the spell worked!" Talisa exclaimed.