Chapter 226: I’ve Found That I Really Like You

Roy took the initiative to introduce himself to them. He rose very respectfully and bowed slightly. "I am Cassie's boyfriend. My name is Roy Lake."

"Ah," the voice came from Cassie and her mother, who were both astonished. 

"Who is my boyfriend?" Cassie asked in shock.

Roy smiled, "I'm your boyfriend." 


"Well, are you still mad at me because I couldn't stay longer? I'm very busy at work. Don't be so mischievous," Roy stretched out his hand to hold her, as if affectionately, and looked at her dumbfounded parents, smiling.

"Because I've been flying around a lot these days, Cassie has trouble with me, so you understand," he said. "I'm sorry." 

"Cassie, you are..." Mom was in a state of confusion.

Cassie was going to be furious. "Roy, don't go too far!"