Chapter 227: He’s Not Right For You

Cassie stopped being cynical. She took a deep breath and relented her tone. "I already have someone I love. I love Fredrick, so Roy, you can't force people to do anything you want."

"He's not right for you," He spoke with conviction.

"Then you're even less right for me." 

"I mean, I don't think he cares about you." Roy had no choice but to say it. 

"You've said enough, Roy. You've said this once or twice, and I'll take it as if you just like talking!" Cassie frowned, turning around to leave.

Roy stretched out his hand and grabbed her. "At least you have to give me a chance to play fair."

"Let me go!" She turned her head and yelled at him.

Roy, seeing that her eyes were lit by anger, which was as beautiful as a flame, could not help pulling her into her arms.