Chapter 307: Why Did She Get Dismissed?

Irish stopped. Seeing Belle draw near, she thought that she had hardly seen her in the past few days, especially after Daisy came here. She felt surprised and somewhat strange. The diamond mine had had such great changes, and Belle should have been the busiest of everyone. Why would Joseph call Daisy here rather than Belle?

As she thought about these questions, Belle had already approached and raised her head. She hadn't expected to see Irish there and looked astonished.

Irish didn't know what to say to her, so she just leaned to one side.

However, Belle didn't move and stared at Irish. After a while, she asked, "You know how long I have worked for Mr. Dover?"

This unreasonable question confused Irish. How would she know?

Belle felt embarrassed to ask this question. She felt she shouldn't have asked.

Irish sighed lightly and asked her, "Are you okay?"