Chapter 308: Just Two Tickets

Taking a deep breath, she knocked at the door lightly.

Someone stepped over, and a second later, Daisy opened the door.

Ignoring Daisy's face, Irish saw Joseph in the chair. His face was still pale. Without enough rest, his cheeks had become sunken and more angular. He heard the sound and raised his head. Seeing her standing beside the door, he was not as serious as before.

"Please give me some time." He said briefly.

Joseph stood up. Daisy let him past, and he just walked out. He was surprised at her neat clothes and then looked out the window, frowning, "It's not a good day for you to go out."

He thought that she was about to go out.

He didn't know that she had been out and back already today.

Irish looked up at his face. On his chin was newly-grown stubble. His tall figure exuded a strong power, but his exhaustion could still be felt. She wanted to touch his face lightly or hug him.