Chapter 352: Can’t You Answer?

People with depression would have negative self-worth from their psychological activity consciousness. Then they would feel useless, no hope, and long-term depression could also lead to cognitive impairment, such as slow response and slow movement. The last words of Irish were intended to dispel Cassie's hesitancy, and she knew that Cassie was proud of her career and said these words deliberately to inspire her self-affirmation.

Not surprisingly, what she said aroused Cassie's interest, "Is it a strange stone? Okay, when I get out of the hospital, I'll appraise it for you."

"It's a deal." Irish smiled on the surface, but her heart tightened.

The whole afternoon, she had to stay with Cassie until the evening and left when Fredrick took Cassie's parents to replace her. Just getting out of the main lobby, Fredrick had followed her, "Irish."