Chapter 353: I Dare Not Follow Your Suggestion

Fredrick understood her purpose, asking, "You want to keep it from her?"


Fredrick raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. "She has the right to know what is wrong with her."

"Do you want her to accept that she has a mental problem?" Irish asked and her tone becoming irritable, "Fredrick, I can listen to you for whatever treatment plan, but one thing I absolutely won't agree with is to tell her the depressing truth. You want to treat her, that's okay," she said, "but try to cure her without her knowledge, or you can hand her over to me!"

"Irish, we can hide the drug prescription from her, but what about physiotherapy? I need rTMS treatment for moderate depression, and she'll find it out. "[Note: rTMS, also known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, is a completely new physiotherapy for mild to moderate depression.]