Chapter 431: Is He Handsome?

"Leo, enough." Irish suddenly raised her voice but was totally at a loss and muddleheaded. Leo shrugged his shoulders, taking the plate beside her, and said, "You can regard it as nonsense words. Jordan should arrive soon." After finishing his words, he stood up while holding her shoulder. Irish didn't resist because she felt her legs numbed, perhaps because she sat for a long time. She believed that it must be the reason.

The gate was filled with people while Irish and Leo thrust their way through the dense crowd. Jordan was in the first-class cabin, so he would come out soon. Leo smiled helplessly when he saw that she was lifting the plate arduously. "You don't have to lift this plate since I am here."

She then realized there was no need to lift the plate since Leo must know him, so she began to ask him some questions about Jordan since he hadn't come out yet. "Is he handsome?"

"Yes," Leo replied without hesitation.

"Really?" Her eyes were flickering.