Chapter 432: She Is Too Arrogant

Irish did not expect that he would be so impolite and felt embarrassed. She was petite since he was 1.8 meters, but she had been at ease with that since she had always been with Joseph. And when she stood shoulder to shoulder with Joseph, her height was just over his shoulder, but Jordan was similar to Joseph's height, so it was not fair to laugh at her height like this.

Hearing his words, Leo hastily tried to ease the tension and said, "Don't say like that. Irish deliberately came to pick you up."

Jordan shrugged his shoulders while staring at Irish directly, making her uncomfortable. Then, after a long while, he suddenly said, "A 28-year-old psychologist. But you look young and beautiful."

He said in a voice dripping with sarcasm and then put his hand on Leo's shoulder again with a smile. "To visit the dead first or to eat first?" He asked Leo while Irish was shocked by his impolite words. 

Leo smiled and replied, "It depends on you."