Chapter 437: Did You Eat Breakfast?

Irish drove to Joseph's house early in the morning, and as soon as she entered the house, she saw Jordan sitting on the floor leisurely, leaning on the couch, and engrossed in playing games.

It seemed that he had just got up since his hair was disheveled, his upper body was naked, and he was only wearing trousers. The sunlight poured from the window, falling on him.

It seemed that he had the same habit as Joseph, and it was easy to tell from his strong shoulders and texture lines that he often went to the fitness center. He had an alluring figure and a strong aura which was inaccurate with his age.

Irish hesitated for a few seconds and then stepped forward, asking, when passing by him, "Did you eat breakfast?"

She took a look at the big screen while asking. It seemed he carried the recreational machines with him at any time, but Joseph didn't like playing games. But she had to admit that it was heart-stirring to see the game scene from the big screen.