Chapter 438: Are You Insane?

Jordan was still absorbed in his game and didn't pay attention to her. Irish stepped to him, standing beside him, saying, "Have you cooked a meal for yourself?" He didn't respond.

"You are awesome. But what did you cook?" She asked again.

Jordan stared at the screen and ignored Irish purposely.

"Well, then, tell me what you want to eat for breakfast." She was patient and continued, "Do you want to eat steak or pizza?" But he still kept silent, so Irish walked in front of him immediately and added, "Or you want to eat a French meal?"

Jordan was completely irritated by her, and he turned off the game abruptly, glaring at her, "Do you know you are so boresome?"

"I know, I can tell from your attitude."

Jordan gnashed his teeth angrily and said, "I know what you are thinking. You did all this to please my brother. You are really a vicious and stupid woman. I don't need your care, and you can complain to my brother as you want."