Chapter 441: Who Can Prove You Are Innocent?

Cassie was shocked. Maybe it was by Roy's words or by Roy's embrace.

He turned Cassie's body lightly and lowered himself to look at her. The flames in the sky made his hair red, while deep into his eyes was the color of sunshine and his shadow.

"I want to see more beautiful views with you and also want to look after you. That's all." Roy was gentle now, and his glance was the same.

Cassie had a strange feeling suddenly.

He lowered his head. His lips approached hers slowly.

The night wind swept over, and man's breath entered her nose. Cassie was rigid totally and just saw his lips closer and closer. She felt very stressed. And just when their lips were attached, she turned her head around. The stress twined her heart tightly as a rope and made her ache.

She couldn't...

She still couldn't accept that a man would be so close to her, while this man was not Fredrick.

Roy felt upset and looked at her.