Chapter 442: I Just Can’t Do That

The policewoman who was making a record couldn't help laughing out loud. Han glanced at her angrily, and she immediately stopped and turned to be serious again. Irish closed her lips lightly and leaned behind, appearing to be easy.

"You have said that you would rather Shirley died earlier in front of many, which proves that you hate her so much. You are the most suspicious one to poison her."

"Sir. I still want to say as long as there is evidence showing that I poisoned her, and then I have nothing to defend for myself." Irish crossed her legs and shook her tiptoe after her long speech to Han. In the end, she ridiculed, "Or actually torturing one into confessing is popular now?"

Suddenly Han patted on the table harshly and cruelly, roaring to her, "Irish. As a police relative, why do you think it this way?"

It obviously showed that Han had already known everything about her.