Chapter 537: What A Strange Theory

Irish stopped. Turning her head.

"What do you mean?" She asked. 

Jordan stared at her, coldly humming, "You watched your boyfriend fall to death from the mountain, so you never dare to climb again, isn't it?"

Irish froze, and sweat quickly crawled down her back.

Leo, standing beside her, quickly went forward to pull him, "All right, let these unhappy things go, and let's go to dinner. Today is my treat." The two of them were abnormal today, peeling at each other's wounds, and to be honest, he suddenly had a headache on these matters.

However, Jordan threw away Leo's hand. He looked like a boy who finally got an advantage in the situation. When he saw Irish's face change, his eyes were full of malice. "Why don't you talk? Aren't you feeling good? The renowned psychiatrist is suddenly afraid."

"Jordan…stop it!" Leo saw Irish's face turn pale, and he hurriedly yelled at him in a low voice.